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2009 Summit Series Scores/Results


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CAN (habs/sonix) 6 @ 7 OT (jesusplaynhl94/jrodimus) USA

CAN (habs/sonix) 2 @ 4 (jesusplaysnhl94/jrodimus) USA

CAN (habs/sonix) 8 @ 5 (jesusplaysnhl94/jrodimus) USA


Canada 1


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CAN (frey, houl) 5 @ 2 USA (jesus, SOH)

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USA (SOH, Donny) 3 @ 5 CAN (Frey, Houl)

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We had what could very well be the 1st no hitter in the annuls of Summit Series play:

CAN (Freydey/houlanov) 0 @ 1 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

CAN (Freydey/houlanov) 1 @ 4 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

CAN (Freydey/flamingpavelbure) 2 @ 8 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

USA wins 3 - 0


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jesus=secret weapon for US

habs-would ya update this s**t already?

I think we've pulled ahead!!!

Edited by jrodimus
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jesus=secret weapon for US

habs-would ya update this s**t already?

I think we've pulled ahead!!!


GM1: USA 8 @ CAN 2 jesus/soh vs frey/habs

GM2: USA 4 @ CAN 11 jesus/soh vs habs/frey

GM3: USA 2 @ CAN 7 witt/soh vs habs/frey

GM4: CAN 1 @ USA 8 habs/hokk vs witt/soh

GM5: CAN 8 @ USA 5 habs/hokk vs witt/soh

GM6: CAN 5 @ USA 6 habs/hokk vs witt/soh

GM7: CAN 7 @ USA 4 habs/hokk vs witt/soh

GM8: CAN 4 @ USA 2 habs/hokk vs witt/soh

GM9:CAN (houli/IQ25) 1 @ 3 USA (donnybrook/jesus)

GM10:CAN (houli/IQ25) 2 @ 10 USA (donnybrook/jesus)

GM11:Ice/Jesus USA 6 @ Habs/beartime 0

GM12: Habs/BearTime 4 @ Jesus/ice USA 5 ot

GM13: MrOneTime/Donny USA 1 @ 4 Frey/Houl CAN

GM14: MrOneTime/Donny USA 3 @ 7 Frey/Houl CAN LAGGED IN 3RD

GM15: USA (Witt, SOH) 3 @ 11 CAN (Freydey, Smoz)

GM16: USA (Witt, SOH) 4 @ 3 CAN (Freydey, Smoz)

GM17: CAN (Freydey, Smoz) 3 @ 2 USA (Witt, SOH) OT

GM18: CAN (Freydey, Smoz) 5 @ 1 USA (Witt, SOH) OT

GM19:USA (jesusplaysnhl94, SOH) 6 @ 3 CAN (sebe, flamingpavelbure)

GM20:USA (jesusplaysnhl94, SOH) 4 @ 2 CAN (sebe, flamingpavelbure)

GM21: CAN(IQ & Houli) 4 @ 2 US(MrOneTimer & Witt)

GM22: CAN(IQ & Houli) 1 @ 3 US(MrOneTimer & Witt)

GM23: CAN (Frey, flamingpavelbure) 4 @ 3 USA (Jesus, Ice) OT

GM24: USA (polite, SOH) 4 @ 3 CAN (habs, freydey)

GM25: USA (polite, SOH) 5 @ 2 CAN (habs, freydey)

GM26: USA (polite, SOH) 3 @ 7 CAN (habs, freydey)

GM27: CAN (sebe, freydey) 7 @ 2 USA (witt, SOH)




GM31: CAN 5 habs/frey @ USA 4 jesus/soh

GM32: CAN 6 habs/frey @ USA 3 jesus/soh

GM33: CAN 8 sebe/houl @ USA 5 Carse/soh

GM34: CAN 5 sebe/houl @ USA 4 Carse/soh (OT)

GM35: 10 USA(carse/witt) @ 2 CAN(tuba/iq)

GM36: 11 USA(carse/witt) @ 1 CAN(tuba/iq)

GM37: 14 USA(carse/witt) @ 1 CAN(tuba/iq)

GM38: CAN 8 habs/frey @ USA 3 polite/soh

GM39: 10 Can (Houla/gihtar) 7 USA (Carse/Witt)

GM40: 1 Can (Houla/Gihtar) 10 USA (Carse/Witt

GM41: 7 USA (carse/witt) 6 CAN(habs/frey)

GM42: 4 USA (soh/witt) 5 CAN(sebe/Louie4teen)

GM43: 2 USA (soh/witt) 7 CAN(sebe/louie4teen)

GM44: 4 USA (soh/witt) 7 CAN(sebe/louie4teen)

GM45: CAN habs/frey 4 @ usa ice/soh 3

GM46: CAN habs/frey 5 @ usa ice/soh 4

GM47: CAN habs/frey 7 @ usa ice/soh 4

GM48: CAN habs/sebe 5 @ usa carse/soh 3

GM49: CAN habs/sebe 5 @ usa carse/soh 3

GM50: CAN (habs/shaft) 7 US (SOH/carse) 11

GM51: CAN(habs/shaft) 6 US (SOH/carse) 7

GM52: CAN(habs/shaft) 3 US (SOH/carse) 7

GM53: CAN(habs/shaft) 4 US (SOH/carse) 5 (OT)

GM54: US (SOH/carse) 8 CAN(habs/shaft) 6

GM55: US (SOH/carse) 6 CAN(habs/shaft) 5 (OT)

GM56: USA 9 (Bo, Carse) , 4 CAN (frey, habs)

GM57: USA 1 (Bo, Carse) , 5 CAN (frey, habs)

GM58: USA 0 (Bo, Carse) , 3 CAN (frey, habs)

GM59: USA (Ice, Bo) 9 , 4 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM60: USA (Ice, Bo) 4 , 5 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM61: USA (Ice, Bo) 2 , 3 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM62: USA (Ice, Bo) 4 , 2 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM63: CAN (Frey, Louie14 (not sure)) 8 , 2 USA (redwingD, Donny)

GM64: usa (bo, Carse) 3, 4 can (frey, hokk)

GM65: usa (bo, Carse) 4, 6 can (frey, hokk)

GM66: usa (bo, Carse) 9, 4 can (frey, hokk)

GM67: usa (bo, Carse) 7, 5 can (frey, hokk)

GM68: usa (bo, Carse) 5, 6 can (frey, hokk) OT

GM69: (Carse/Deathblood) Usa 10-7 Can (Hokkee/IQ)

GM70: Usa (Carse/Deathblood) 5-2 Can (Hokkee/IQ

GM71: USA (Carse/SOH) 5- 7 CAN (FREY/SHAFT)

GM72: USA (Carse/SOH) 9 - 8 (FREY/SHAFT) CAN


GM74:CAN (Zalex, Hou) 5 - 3 USA (Ice, Matthuray)

GM75:CAN (Zalex, Hou) 4 - 3 USA (Ice, Matthuray) ot

GM76:CAN (Zalex, Hou) 4 - 5 USA (Ice, Matthuray) ot

GM77: CAN (Zalex, Hou) 7 - 8 USA (Ice, Matthuray)

GM78: USA (bo, SOH) 2 - 3 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM79: USA (bo, SOH) 6 - 4 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM80: USA (Carse/SOH) 4 - 9 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM81: USA (Carse/SOH) 9 - 5 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM82: USA (Carse/SOH) 7 - 6 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM83: USA (Carse/SOH) 6 - 5 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM84: USA (donnybrook/soh) 4 @ 6 (smozoma/sebe) CAN

GM85: USA (donnybrook/icestorm) 1 @ 4 (smozoma/sebe) CAN

GM86: USA (donnybrook/icestorm) 3 @ 6 (smozoma/sebe) CAN

GM87: CAN (smozoma/houli) 11 @ 3 (donnybrook/icestorm) USA

GM88: CAN (smozoma/houli) 4 @ 7 (donnybrook/icestorm) USA

GM89: CAN (smozoma/houli) 2 @ 4 (donnybrook/icestorm) USA

GM90: CAN (habs/sonix) 6 @ 7 OT (jesusplaynhl94/jrodimus) USA

GM91: CAN (habs/sonix) 2 @ 4 (jesusplaysnhl94/jrodimus) USA

GM92: CAN (habs/sonix) 8 @ 5 (jesusplaysnhl94/jrodimus) USA

GM93: USA (donnybrook/Witt) 3 @ 7 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM94: CAN (frey, houl) 5 @ 2 USA (jesus, SOH)

GM95: CAN (louie4teen/digdugg) 1 @ 4 (jesusplaynhl94/SOH) USA

GM96: CAN (louie4teen/gihtarman) 3 @ 7 (jesusplaysnhl94/SOH) USA

GM97: CAN (louie14/digdug) 5 @ USA (SOH/donny) 1

GM98: CAN (louie14/digdug) 3 @ USA (SOH/donny) 4 (OT)

GM99: CAN (louie14/digdug) 6 @ USA (SOH/donny) 7 (OT)

GM100: CAN (louie14/digdug) 4 @ USA 1

GM101: USA (SOH, Donny) 3 @ 5 CAN (Frey, Houl)

GM102: CAN (Freydey/houlanov) 0 @ 1 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

GM103: CAN (Freydey/houlanov) 1 @ 4 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

GM104: CAN (Freydey/flamingpavelbure) 2 @ 8 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

GM105: CAN (zalex/freydey) 3 @ 4 (icestorm/donnybrook)USA

GM106: CAN (zalex/freydey) 4 @ 3 (icestorm/donnybrook) USA

GM107: USA (icestorm/donnybrook) 6 @ 2 (zalex/freydey) CAN

GM108: USA (icestorm/donnybrook) 0 @ 6 (zalex/freydey) CAN

GM109: CAN (houli/smozoma) 3 @ 6 (carse/donnybrook)USA

GM110: CAN (houli/smozoma) 1 @ 5 (carse/donnybrook) USA

GM111: USA (Carse/DonnyBrook) 4 @ 10 CAN (Freydey/Zalex)

GM112: USA (Carse/DonnyBrook) 4 @ 7 CAN (Freydey/Zalex)

GM113: Canada (Smo/Shaft) - 1 @ USA (Ice/Wags) - 5

GM114: Canada (Smo/Shaft) - 4 @ USA (Ice/Wags) - 5

GM115: USA (Wags/Ice) - 7 @ Canada (Houlanov/Shafter) - 6 OT

GM116: USA (Wags/Ice) - 7 @ Canada (Houlanov/Shafter) - 6

GM117: USA 4 (bo/soh) @ CAN 5 (habs/smoz)

GM118: USA 10 (bo/soh) @ CAN 12 (habs/smoz)

GM119: USA 2 (bo/soh) @ CAN 5 (habs/smoz)

GM120: CAN 4 (smoz/shaftman) @ USA 1 (wags/bo)

GM121: USA 4 (Wags/Ice) CAN 1 (Shaft/Oldschoolnhl94er)

GM122: houli/iq25) CAN:3 @ USA:2 (sarcdoc/iceguy)

GM123: (houli/iq25) CAN:4 @ USA:5 (sarcdoc/iceguy)

GM124: (sarcdoc/iceguy)USA:1 @ CAN:6 (houli/iq25)

GM125: (sarcdoc/iceguy)USA:4 @ CAN:6 (houli/iq25)

GM126: CAN (louie4teen/james7798200) 5 @ 8 (jesusplaynhl94/donnybrook94) USA

GM127: USA (jesusplaysnhl94/SOH) 4 @ 2 (smozoma/sebe) CAN

GM128: CAN(smoz/FPB) 3 @ USA (SOH/Donny)4 ot

GM129: CAN (smoz/FPB) 6 USA 5 (smoz/FPB)

GM130: USA 7 (jesus/SOH) @ CAN 5 (smoz/frey)

GM131: USA(DonnyBrook/SOH) 0 @ 7 CAN (Freydey/Zalex)

GM132: USA(DonnyBrook/SOH) 3 @ 8 CAN (Freydey/Zalex)

GM133: USA (SOH/donnybrook) 6 @ 3 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM134: USA (SOH/donnybrook) 3 @ 9 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM135: USA (SOH/donnybrook) 6 @ 4 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM136: USA (SOH/donnybrook) 12 @ 7 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM137: (smoz / houli) CAN 6 @ 7 USA (SOH/ jrod)

GM138: (smoz / houli) CAN 5 @ 6 USA (SOH/ jrod)

GM139: (SOH / jrod) USA 6 @ 7 CAN (smoz / houli)

GM140: (SOH/ jrod) USA 4 @ 7 CAN (smoz / houli)

GM141: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 4 @ 1 USA (Donnybrook/Polite)

GM142: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 3 @ 0 USA (Donnybrook/Polite)

GM143: CAN (sebe/flamingbure) 7 @ 4 USA (ice/matt hurray)

GM144: CAN (sebe/flamingbure 7 @ 5 USA (ice/matt hurray)

GM145: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 5 @ 8 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM146: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 6 @ 4 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM147: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 3 @ 5 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM148: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 7 @ 3 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM149: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 5 @ 4 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM150: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 10 @ 8 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM151: USA (SOH/bo) 7 CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 5

GM152: USA (SOH/bo) 8 CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 3

GM153: USA (SOH/Carse) 6 CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 5

GM154: USA(SOH/Carse) 14, CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 7

GM155: USA (carse, soh) 7 @ 2 CAN (Frey, IQ)

GM156: USA (carse, soh) 3 @ 5 CAN (Frey, IQ)

GM157: CAN (Sebe/Zalex) 3 @ 0 USA (Shifty/DonnyBrook)

GM158: CAN (Sebe/Zalex) 1 @ 3 USA (Shifty/DonnyBrook)

GM159: CAN (Sebe/Zalex) 5 @ 3 USA (Shifty/DonnyBrook)

GM160: CAN (Sebe/Zalex) 7 @ 1 USA (Shifty/DonnyBrook)

GM161: (SOH/Shifty) USA 10 - 1 CAN (Hokkee/Shaft)

GM162: (SOH/Shifty) USA 6- 4 CAN (Hokkee/Shaft)

GM163: CAN (Zalex/Guitarman) 9 @ 8 USA (Shifty/Carse) OT

GM164: CAN (Zalex/Guitarman) 7 @ 6 USA (Shifty/Carse) OT

GM165: CAN (Zalex/Guitarman) 4 @ 6 USA (Shifty/Carse)

Can shutout: 4

Usa Shutout: 2


USA: 81

Edited by Freydey
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jesus=secret weapon for US

habs-would ya update this s**t already?

I think we've pulled ahead!!!

secret weapon?

weapon yes but

SECRET?? seriously?

the dude created the game.....wata secret

i think your secret weapon is polite, utiliz police

also donnybrook is gettin dangerous

jesus is an oldman and he ded

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GM105: CAN (sarcdoc/Zalex) 3 @ 8 (jesusplaynhl94/donnybrook94) USA

GM106: CAN (sarcdoc/Zalex) 1 @ 4 (jesusplaynhl94/donnybrook94) USA

I'm American, we only had 1 Canadian playing yesterday. I thought we were just playing exhibition.

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secret weapon?

weapon yes but

SECRET?? seriously?

the dude created the game.....wata secret

i think your secret weapon is polite, utiliz police

also donnybrook is gettin dangerous

jesus is an oldman and he ded

I'd consider myself more of a war head than a secret weapon as the only pair with Voc to win both 2on2 tournaments (though EA and Habs were unstoppable in season 3).

Donnybrook has already solidified himself as SI cover material with his passing and ability to do 1 timers. Our secret weapon is probably Carse.. Though he doesn't play much his win % is high.

And while I might be the elder statesman of 2on2 - I'm 26 - Ice's biological clock is closest to assisted living for USA... Sorry Ice :D


GM105: CAN (sarcdoc/Zalex) 3 @ 8 (jesusplaynhl94/donnybrook94) USA

GM106: CAN (sarcdoc/Zalex) 1 @ 4 (jesusplaynhl94/donnybrook94) USA

I'm American, we only had 1 Canadian playing yesterday. I thought we were just playing exhibition.

When I asked if you wanted to do the summit slide and I sent you the Summit Series 2 rom you paired up with Zalex on Team Canada; plus you being a Calgary | MacInnis fan my Jesus sense tingled you were Canadian..

Any way I took those scores down.

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CAN (zalex/freydey) 3 @ 4 (icestorm/donnybrook)USA

CAN 4 @ 3 USA

USA 6 @ 2 CAN

USA 0 @ 5 CAN


Donnybrook has already solidified himself as SI cover material with his passing and ability to do 1 timers. Our secret weapon is probably Carse.. Though he doesn't play much his win % is high.

thatd be a funny SI cover. itd be me playing 94 in my room in the dark, in my underwear with cheetos crumbs all over my face. with my tounge sticking out jordan esque

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When I asked if you wanted to do the summit slide and I sent you the Summit Series 2 rom you paired up with Zalex on Team Canada; plus you being a Calgary | MacInnis fan my Jesus sense tingled you were Canadian..

Any way I took those scores down.

Yeah, sorry about that. Once I saw the numbers 3US, 1CAN i just figured we were playing exhibition with the tourney ROM.

Can't really explain growing up in CT and being a Flames fan. They were the first team I saw play on TV and had no idea where calgary was, etc.

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Donnybrook has already solidified himself as SI cover material with his passing and ability to do 1 timers. Our secret weapon is probably Carse.. Though he doesn't play much his win % is high.


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damn i sense some gripping coming from les habitants....this ain't 2008 fella's.

In a revalation of EPIC proportion Kgman is pulling a Brett Hull and joining Team USA! Since I was conceived in Florida that gives me the right to play for both teams and since I was snubbed by Team Canada Iam joining team USA!

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so im gettin alot of complaints that usa loves to bail after 2 straight losses

2 and out :lol:

especially carse apparently

look at the post right before that tool.

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so im gettin alot of complaints that usa loves to bail after 2 straight losses

2 and out :lol:

especially carse apparently


run run run!

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