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GENS Test Game Requests


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Please request your test games here. You must be confirmed in order to be considered to play in a league.

Leave your AIM screen name and a good time to reach you online to play a test game. A veteran coach will contact you to play a test game to test out how your connection is, and help you out with any connection problems. Once done, the veteran coach will confirm you by accessing the "Confirm Coaches Page" on the NHL94Online website.

For a more detailed explanation, look at this post.

Good luck!!!

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I don't know where to put this so I put it here.

I confirmed primer55, and he's good to go. Although, his connection was a little laggy when we play our test games but it was ok

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My AIM is mikeplugsnyder@aim.com

the best time to reach me would be 4:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. on weekdays, on weekends 1 p.m. to 5p.m.

i use Kailera and hamachi for netplay

srry if theres too much information i'm just rly looking forward to playing in leagues

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  • 1 month later...

I'm new to nhl94 online, and am pumped to play games

whenever someone is availiable to play shoot me an IM or an email with a time frame, and i'll be down to get started.

Email: Deeliciousbbc@gmail.com

AIM: DeeOhhAye

MSN/Yahoo: Deeohhaye@yahoo.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm new to nhl94 online, and am pumped to play games

whenever someone is availiable to play shoot me an IM or an email with a time frame, and i'll be down to get started.

Email: Deeliciousbbc@gmail.com

AIM: DeeOhhAye

MSN/Yahoo: Deeohhaye@yahoo.com

Hey, I'm very interested in getting started with this.

AIM: GodfatherPipp


looking for a test game! excited to start playing

MSN/email: fernquist2@hotmail.com

Just so you guys are aware...the next classic league won't start until sometime in march.

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Just so you guys are aware...the next classic league won't start until sometime in march.

that's fine, i dont mind just playing exhibition games too just for fun/practice

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Hey, I'm very interested in getting started with this.

AIM: GodfatherPipp


I suggest you can hit the Blitz Farm league. That's a good start as any. Don't forget to pick a team!


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all! I haven't been around here for a very, very long time but I actually just moved to the US within the last couple of months, so think it'd be cool to finally be able to join the leagues on here.

If anyone's in for a test game, my AIM is SureshotNHL94. I'm doing slightly crazy OT hours at the moment so I'm avail most days from about 11PM PST, 7PM Saturday and all day Sunday unless something else is on.

In case it jogs any memories, I made this video about 4 years ago:

. I also played in one of the NHLGamer.com leagues around the same time and got destroyed by people like Tickenest!
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Hey all! I haven't been around here for a very, very long time but I actually just moved to the US within the last couple of months, so think it'd be cool to finally be able to join the leagues on here.

If anyone's in for a test game, my AIM is SureshotNHL94. I'm doing slightly crazy OT hours at the moment so I'm avail most days from about 11PM PST, 7PM Saturday and all day Sunday unless something else is on.

In case it jogs any memories, I made this video about 4 years ago:

. I also played in one of the NHLGamer.com leagues around the same time and got destroyed by people like Tickenest!

Welcome back. Later today, registration for the Classic 94-Spring 2010 season will be starting, so feel free to join.

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Alright, kpuck19 was kind enough to help me out tonight, but unfortunately we were in a whole world of desyncs - every game either on a public server or P2P through Hamachi desynced, regardless of who was hosting! Gonna try a reinstall of a few things but if anyone has experience/ideas on this one then I'd be glad to hear about it.

Edit: Just ran a local test through P2P/Hamachi and things look fine. I'm currently thinking the problem was that I didn't close the ROM before starting netplay - would that cause desyncing?

Edit2: Just been trying some games out with mav and it seems to be sorted. I basically just need to stop loading and clicking things I shouldn't be by the looks of things. ;)

Edited by Sureshot
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Edit2: Just been trying some games out with mav and it seems to be sorted. I basically just need to stop loading and clicking things I shouldn't be by the looks of things. ;)

he is now confirmed. btw no problems whatsoever on both ends after he solved the problem he had

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How come I get a message that every network is full is this common?


Yes, if you are referring to Hamachi the free service allows I believe up to 20 users per network. You can create a network if you can't join any. Make something like NHL94classic9999, just let your opponent know what the network name is.


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I want to play with someone veteran.

My skype - winnie_mail.ru

ICQ - 149529555

mail - winnie@mail.ru

I think, i'm playing well to take part at your competition. )

hello and welcome!

You'll need to get an aim screen name (www.aim.com), if you don't already have one. It is the main method of communication in order to organize games online.

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I can confirm mcolligan (AIM makahaya) for Gens C - played with him today via p2p with hamachi. He's from the UK - but perfect connection with p2p/hamachi.


you rock bud...thanks.

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I can confirm mcolligan (AIM makahaya) for Gens C - played with him today via p2p with hamachi. He's from the UK - but perfect connection with p2p/hamachi.


Hey Veterans,

When you are confirming new coaches, please use the Confirm New Coaches page. This will update their status on the waiting list.

I will be on tomorrow night to look for new coaches who need to be confirmed (probably around 6PM Eastern Time).

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I'am a new coach and i need to play a test game

i am french, from Strasbourg, so i don't know wath is the best time to play...

my AIM is Pearate

so i will be connected tomorrow i think....



Welcome! You can AIM me anytime for a test game if you'd like - my screenname is vinniersmith. I'll answer if I'm there.

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