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Welcome New Coaches


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I'm SSiG. I coached in the GDL, failing miserably to the tune of 8-57. I then coached in the ill-fated 94/07 league, and failed again to the tune of 6-31 or something like that.

I'm a lifetime 20-106 player, and I've set the bar VERY low for my first Classic '94 season. 3 wins. :D

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This is NJK im a returning player from last year altough i am already registered i have been quite abcent from the forums and i would just like to put my name out there so people get to know me...im 15 can have pauses of no nhl94 but long streaks of game...i like to play as many games as possible cause then i feel more confident in my playoff chances good look new coaches...and my bro XdeathsbloodX should be confirmed is cpu is good...as for i use it as well and thats it THANKS Evan and Gesund

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New Classic '94 League coaches post here to introduce yourselves (and fulfill your registration requirements and continue the confirmation process).

Hey everybody, my name's Pat (user name awesomerino). I'm very excited to be joining this league. as I was unaware until quite recently that there were other NHL 94 nerds out there.

If anyone would care to play the practice game with me, give me a shout.

Nice to meet you all.

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Hey everyone,

Quick note: If you're having trouble getting the validation email for your forum account, just let me know (email/pm) since it seems this process doesn't always work smoothly. I can approve your account.


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Hey everybody, my name's Pat (user name awesomerino). I'm very excited to be joining this league. as I was unaware until quite recently that there were other NHL 94 nerds out there.

If anyone would care to play the practice game with me, give me a shout.

Nice to meet you all.

definately up for a game ... drop me a line, and we can setup something!

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Registration day is a sacred time in the schwartz household and although my dream of waking up at the crack of dawn w/ my coffee and a bacon/eggs brekky already safely in my stomach have been dashed by the hellish beeping and the flashing 12:02 PM on my alarm clock, it does not matter: today is registration day let us celebrate.

In anticipation of the newcomers (welcome again btw, its honestly great to have you) I offer my services as a nhl94online vet to play some test games and confirm your status in the upcoming season. I will be around for a ridiculous chunk of today and outrageous times in the middle of the night. If there are other vets who like the idea (BSDaemon I am looking in your virtual direction) post here with your AIM username and a mention of your avaliability. I suppose the results of the trial game (did it work or not) could be posted here as well although Evan might know of a better place where it could go.

Ok my information quick

Coach: Mat Schwartz

AIM: schwartz124

Avaliability: August 11: Noon - 6:00 CMT




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Registration day is a sacred time in the schwartz household and although my dream of waking up at the crack of dawn w/ my coffee and a bacon/eggs brekky already safely in my stomach have been dashed by the hellish beeping and the flashing 12:02 PM on my alarm clock, it does not matter: today is registration day let us celebrate.

In anticipation of the newcomers (welcome again btw, its honestly great to have you) I offer my services as a nhl94online vet to play some test games and confirm your status in the upcoming season. I will be around for a ridiculous chunk of today and outrageous times in the middle of the night. If there are other vets who like the idea (BSDaemon I am looking in your virtual direction) post here with your AIM username and a mention of your avaliability. I suppose the results of the trial game (did it work or not) could be posted here as well although Evan might know of a better place where it could go.

Ok my information quick

Coach: Mat Schwartz

AIM: schwartz124

Avaliability: August 11: Noon - 6:00 CMT

Hey dude! I read your post and would like to take you up on your offer. I'm just in the middle of a game, but will be done shortly. Want to set something up in an hour or so? Let me know.



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Hey dude! I read your post and would like to take you up on your offer. I'm just in the middle of a game, but will be done shortly. Want to set something up in an hour or so? Let me know.



Sounds great man. I'll be cleaning the cobwebs from the zsnes part of my harddrive and finishing setting things up, so you add me on AIM and we will do battle err 'test'

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Get a sneak peak at a player who probably should just stay in the GM's box! Come one, come all...take on SSiG in a battle for all that is mediocre and average!

SSiG's Hours For Rookie Testing

Monday-Friday: All day

Weekends: 5-8 PM EST and late night hours until 2 AM

AIM: Magus978




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He raped my defensemen and had his way with my goaltender. My whole team is currently sobbing in the locker room, refusing to come out for at least a week. Thanks a lot Schwartz. Damn I need to practice my manual goaltending.

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Yeah man I'm all over helping the newbs out. My aim is aIreadyD3AD (yes thats an i, not an L).

However I wont be available until monday, as I'm in KC watching the Jays destroy the Royals this weekend

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Hey everyone!

I am a big SNES 94' fan but i'm new to this website and to these programs.

Does anyone want to play a game/help me understand and use these programs??

I will be around for most of the day if you want to arrange something

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awesomerino is good to go!

We played 3 games, and despite me winning two out of three, he is a very good player. He will give the veterans some fits.

Game 1: Detroit (SSiG) 7, Montreal (awesomerino) 3

Game 2: NY Rangers (SSiG) 4, Buffalo (awesomerino) 3 (OT)

Game 3: Calgary (awesomerino) 4, New Jersey (SSiG) 0

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I'm just confirming my registration, first time in any league. I've been in some live tourneys, which i have all won. I look forward to proving my dominance in this league as well. Good luck to all. I am very excited to be a part of this league. I still need to have a test game, and help or suggestions would be great.

Thanks :(

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Cool, thanks SSiG. We'll change his status when we get the chance, welcome aboard awesomerino.


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Hey. I am "best known" for replacing and leading the Quebec Nordiques (2006 Spring season - Gens) to an epic 3-9-1 (I think...) before losing motivation to play (and getting replaced). That's what you get when you have delusions of taking the worst team in the league to the playoffs when in reality you're getting your ass handed to you on a platter.

And if you wanted to know, I'm playing in the 20-game league. Here's to sticking to it this time... and possibly winning a game or two.

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