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Hey everyone. Rookie with skills looking for a game. If you're interested, send me a PM or AIM me, user name awesomerino.


Rare is the rookie who does not believe he has skills.

Rarer still is the rookie who actually has them.


No offense meant -- I used to think I was awesome, but, in the online world, it turns out I'm just OK.

Prepare to learn a lot from the veterans and become truly skilled!

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I am signed up and waiting to woop any one in my test games


Hi moose. Cool pic. Try replacing your picture with the one attached here. It'll download faster for people and not take up so much bandwidth for the site (yours is 1.6MB.. that's huge for something that's just going to get resized down to 20% of its full glory when shown on the site! This version downloads 7700% faster. Yes, that's 7 thousand percent :( )


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Hi Alll,

I'm new around here and I need to play a test game to complete my registration. My AIM sn is Rage93. I have the game set up for SNES and I would like to see if my settings are correct. Can't wait to start the season!!

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No offense meant -- I used to think I was awesome, but, in the online world, it turns out I'm just OK.

Prepare to learn a lot from the veterans and become truly skilled!

I hear that. I think I went about 10 years without losing a game outside of my college suite mates. Then I came here and went about 10 years before I lost a game by fewer than 5 goals.

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whats goin on everyone, im lookin to get some games in before the fall season starts, if anyone wants to play me my AIM is XdeathsbloodX so if i'm around IM me and i'll play a couple of games... I also need to test out my cooling system for my laptop to make sure i dont drop out of any league games so hit me up with some game requests

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I'm Jared and I'm new to nhl 94 online. I dedicated a large part of my time in college to the game and I'm looking forward to getting started in the league. My AIM name is jefflebowski16 and I will be available to play a test game pretty much anytime today 8/12.

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I'm Jared and I'm new to nhl 94 online. I dedicated a large part of my time in college to the game and I'm looking forward to getting started in the league. My AIM name is jefflebowski16 and I will be available to play a test game pretty much anytime today 8/12.

Jared and I played a game and the connection was pretty smooth. He beat me 3-2 with TOR against my WAS in a pretty close game. I'm recommending him for the B division of GENS 40 game league.

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Hey, name's Matt here and I dedicated a good chunk of time to playing these games in my childhood (I'm 23 now). I'm pretty sure I'll get blasted in the early games until I get my practice time up and learn the fundamental moves and tricks. Anyway, I'll be around for most of the day if anyone wants to set up a test match with me.

EDT: feel free to add me, my AIM ID is goldsac84

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Hey all,

I finished a test a game with awesomerino last night. So i'm hopeing that will confirm my registation. My AIM name is sebe82 if anyone want to play me.

I have been reading alot of interesting comments for everyone. I find it hard to believe that someone can go years undefeated in live tourneys, then have a hard time not losing by 5 goals. I think the major difference would be that alot of the online vets are used to the LAG that u experience during netplay. I have played 100's of ppl in nhl 94 and i havent lost a game by more than 2 goals in a decade. I am not trying to show off or boast. I just cant believe that there are players out there who would destroy someone with as much experience as I and many "so called" rookies have. I look forward to the opportunity to showing all of you vets what i'm talking about.

I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion, and hope that i havent offended anyone. I take this game very seriously, and I have alot of pride, because i have spent 10,000 of hours playing that game, with quality players.

Also, I just need to know if i am confirmed yet or if i need more test games.

Thank you all, and good luck.

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I find it hard to believe that someone can go years undefeated in live tourneys, then have a hard time not losing by 5 goals.

You may have picked up on my penchant for exaggeration and generally dry sense of humor. In actuality I think I hold the unofficial record for consecutive victories here, although it was set with Chicago in Fall 2006 B League so feel free to place a Barry Bonds-sized asterisk next to it.

Welcome. My best guess is that you are a good player who will take a little time to adjust to online play and the weirdness of lag and latency (as we all did) before rising to the upper echelons of the competitive curve. Within a few months you'll probably be helping the new guys set up their test games. Glad to have you.

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I'll be on from time to time. AIM is burnsideHockey. pcp420 and I got a few games in today, we're both rookies. It was my first time playing 94 online and I had a bit of a lag (67 ping). Hopefully that ping will be good enough when the league starts.

btw: on the netplay client, it will say that 25 are connected, but when I go on, I only see myself. Where are the other 25 or am I missing something here?


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played goldsac, his connection is fine. was a little choppy for a bit, not sure if it was his connection or the server.

note to all new players is to make sure youre not running any programs in the background that may cause your RAM to be used.

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New Classic '94 League coaches post here to introduce yourselves (and fulfill your registration requirements and continue the confirmation process).

Hey guys --

SlydeSlick here...just played my first practice game with skoolyardpuck...and got skooled, lol.

Happy to be here, you can hit me on AIM - SN is SlydeSlick. Glad to be here!

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Hey all,

I finished a test a game with awesomerino last night. So i'm hopeing that will confirm my registation. My AIM name is sebe82 if anyone want to play me.

I have been reading alot of interesting comments for everyone. I find it hard to believe that someone can go years undefeated in live tourneys, then have a hard time not losing by 5 goals. I think the major difference would be that alot of the online vets are used to the LAG that u experience during netplay. I have played 100's of ppl in nhl 94 and i havent lost a game by more than 2 goals in a decade. I am not trying to show off or boast. I just cant believe that there are players out there who would destroy someone with as much experience as I and many "so called" rookies have. I look forward to the opportunity to showing all of you vets what i'm talking about.

I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion, and hope that i havent offended anyone. I take this game very seriously, and I have alot of pride, because i have spent 10,000 of hours playing that game, with quality players.

Also, I just need to know if i am confirmed yet or if i need more test games.

Thank you all, and good luck.

Dont usually see much lag... but that could be because I play SNES and not GENS... I'm not sure though. I imagine the client-server model will introduce a lot of latency compared to a peer-to-peer networking model using UDP.

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