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The Official "I'm New"/Introduction Thread


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Welcome bud! Prepare you to play the best players on the planet!!! I don't talk of myself!!! And maybe you got to be drunk this time to beat them!!!! See you around!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all! Glad to be on the site. I've been playing the updates for a few years now, and I've had a good amount of fun on them. I'm more than happy to play an online game.. my AIM's bbammy99@gmail.com. Hail to the whale!

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Hi! New to the forum, although I've been playing Sega titles since I was a kid. I played 91, 96, and 97 back then. Found this website/forum a few years ago and now I think I've played every hockey game released for the Genesis! I play mostly 94 now, but I do enjoy the feel/mechanics of 97 a lot.

I'd love to start playing online. I think I have Gens set up correctly and I made a Hamachi and AIM account.

My AIM is tvotaw9@gmail.com

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all. I was a member of this forum close to 10 years ago under a different user name and even played in a classic league or two. I thought I'd re-join and get in some occasional exhibition games. My AIM is FChockey@gmail.com, and if I'm logged in then I'm probably looking to play!

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings all...new guy here. This is a real homecoming. I've played the NHL series religiously since its inception through NHL 97 and then...life got in the way. I hadn't really thought about the game much over the last 18 years but as a lifelong hockey player and fan, I consider the series to be amongst the finest video games ever created. And I am in full agreement that '94 was the zenith of all the versions.

Needless to say, I'm thrilled to have installed GENS and the accompanying ROM. As soon as I fired it up and heard those opening theme notes, it brought back a lot of great, great memories of getting off work and heading to a friend's house with a case of beer, a bag full of subs for the guys and a change of clothes. We had a group of about 10 people, some of whom are no longer with us, and we would play LONG into the night sometimes seeing the sun come up and then heading right back to work hungover, with no sleep. 70's rock blasting in the background...I remember when the 4-way-play adapter came out for the Genesis and it was like looking into the face of God. It changed the game...forever.

For now, I'm just focused on beating the motherboard and remembering many skills that are missing but not forgotten. I look forward to playing against all of you online sometime in the future. I just read up on the KingOf94 Tournament and I'm really sorry I have to miss out on that. It's going to be a blast. Hopefully, this becomes an annual tradition (and moves further south?). I wish McBryan the best of luck with the tournament, his film...and may the best player win.

As a nearly lifelong DC resident, I've been rocking the red for our Capitals since 1974 but, when it comes to NHL '94 my preference is the Detroit Red Wings. Thanks again for putting together a great site, forum and game community. Keep your sticks down, your heads up...and don't get beat, hosers.

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great post. welcome. the common Genesis '94 ROMs around here have had some SERIOUS improvements done to the game to fix issues the original had. I'm sorry that some of your homeboys likely missed this place that is a shared gift. which other editions did you particularly enjoy? the are subboards galore here; have fun.

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Thanks for the nice welcome. Well, I'd have to give a nod to "NHL Hockey", the original from 1991. Without that version, none of this exists as we know it today. But, I didn't play that version until well after it was released. I didn't even own a Genesis console in 1991. It wasn't until NHLPA 93 that I was convinced of the game's greatness and went out and bought a console. I had just moved out on my own then so, dropping half of my then rent on a console, cartridge and an extra controller was a huge expense. It seems like such a small thing nowadays because it's so common now but, getting the NHLPA license was a really big deal. It really added weight and fullness to the game. When you go back and play "NHL Hockey", it rings hollow because there's no player names.

In short, the addition of the one-timer was what really took everything to the next level with NHL94. Before the one timer, goals were scored off the deke or slappers and that was really about it. The one-timer really opened things up. The one timer allowed you to score goals with players who couldn't score off the deke or a slapshot. The worst forward in the game (if positioned properly and the angle of the primary assist pass relative to the goalie provided an opening) can score on the one timer. The game is 22 years old and I still get fired up when I score off the one timer. Removing fighting from the game is a well-documented watershed moment. To some people it's a big deal that they are still pissed off about...to others it was no biggie. For me, I remember thinking at the time that it was an unwelcome change. But now, I really don't miss it. If they could've programmed it to have a positive or negative effect on the team's momentum depending on whether you won or lost the fight, then it would be a genuine loss to the game.

Our group really liked that NHL 95 offered a full season. The drop pass, fake shot and shot blocking were nice add-ons but after hours and hours of gameplay on previous versions, it was sometimes hard to remember that you had some additional tools at your disposal. None of this really mattered though because we hated the new game engine. I used to just say I didn't like the feel of it but, now...many years later I can explain it more clearly. First of all NHL 95 is simply too fast. I suppose EA thought it was doing us all a favor by "amping it up!" (remember THAT 90's word?) but, it's just too fast. The real issue though was that too much Madden football code got spilled into the player movement programming for NHL95. What I mean by that is, player movement has a very angular feel to it in 95. You're skating along and change direction by 45 or 90 degrees and the player JAMS his skate in the ice and you immediately cut in that direction. In the previous game engine, the player movements had this nice float and glide feel to directional changes. A good example of this is when you are swooping a 180 degree turn through the neutral zone with the puck to get lined up for a walk-in deke. If you're controlling a really fast skater as you come through your turn at center ice to go in on the goalie, there's a point at which you come out of the turn and sometimes you extend your turn too far and have to over correct to get lined up. Kind of like you're fishtailing...Anyway, this doesn't exist in NHL 95. You just plant a skate and turn and are immediately headed in the direction you want. I don't know...if 95 was the original game engine and then they went to the 93 engine, I might feel differently. There's something to be said about what you first experienced being what you're most comfortable with. The ideal game would be the NHL94 game engine with ALL of the features from 95 to present day.

After 95, we kept buying future versions of the game but, we always came back to 94. It was the best version then and the best version now. We even tried NHL 97 on our PCs but we stayed with 94 on the Genesis. I think part of that was the experience or hanging out all night with all of us in the same room. Believe it or not, NHL could be played over a dial up connection, but it was laggy. Even with a headset and Skype, there's nothing that replaces human beings gaming side by side in the same room. I'm sure this will be an important part of McBryan's film. A tournament like that could easily be hosted online. Human contact is better. I just learned that NHL 09 is the last PC version of the game. I don't own it but, now I'm curious to see what that version is like. I don't have a modern console currently, but I'm sure I'll get around to that too eventually.

One question I did have is why you have chosen the rules that you all have chosen for your league? I'm just curious how you came to that set of rules...5min periods I get, you want to keep the scores realistic and the time a game actually takes to play. The two rules I'm most interested in hearing about are manual goalies and no line changes...thoughts? (And if there's already a rules discussion on this forum, please feel free to just post a hyperlink to it...I haven't had a chance to really look around here much yet.) Also, if you have any links to ROMS that feature edited versions of 94, I'd be interested in those too. I'm just playing the basic ROM listed under the downloads section here...

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Nice write up :)

Manual goalie because 1) if you don't want to use it, just don't hold B and 2) manual goalie (or "gc", "goalie control") is a skill and can save a lot of otherwise sure goals. A breakaway would be an automatic goal, bit with gc it's 50/50, or you can block the big slappers, some one timers...

No line changes: I can understand wanting to have to use all the players. I think people gravitate to no line changes though simply because it's faster (but not that cheesy turn on a dime 95 fast).

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Thanks for the nice welcome. Well, I'd have to give a nod to "NHL Hockey", the original from 1991. Without that version, none of this exists as we know it today. But, I didn't play that version until well after it was released. I didn't even own a Genesis console in 1991. It wasn't until NHLPA 93 that I was convinced of the game's greatness and went out and bought a console. I had just moved out on my own then so, dropping half of my then rent on a console, cartridge and an extra controller was a huge expense. It seems like such a small thing nowadays because it's so common now but, getting the NHLPA license was a really big deal. It really added weight and fullness to the game. When you go back and play "NHL Hockey", it rings hollow because there's no player names.

In short, the addition of the one-timer was what really took everything to the next level with NHL94. Before the one timer, goals were scored off the deke or slappers and that was really about it. The one-timer really opened things up. The one timer allowed you to score goals with players who couldn't score off the deke or a slapshot. The worst forward in the game (if positioned properly and the angle of the primary assist pass relative to the goalie provided an opening) can score on the one timer. The game is 22 years old and I still get fired up when I score off the one timer. Removing fighting from the game is a well-documented watershed moment. To some people it's a big deal that they are still pissed off about...to others it was no biggie. For me, I remember thinking at the time that it was an unwelcome change. But now, I really don't miss it. If they could've programmed it to have a positive or negative effect on the team's momentum depending on whether you won or lost the fight, then it would be a genuine loss to the game.

Our group really liked that NHL 95 offered a full season. The drop pass, fake shot and shot blocking were nice add-ons but after hours and hours of gameplay on previous versions, it was sometimes hard to remember that you had some additional tools at your disposal. None of this really mattered though because we hated the new game engine. I used to just say I didn't like the feel of it but, now...many years later I can explain it more clearly. First of all NHL 95 is simply too fast. I suppose EA thought it was doing us all a favor by "amping it up!" (remember THAT 90's word?) but, it's just too fast. The real issue though was that too much Madden football code got spilled into the player movement programming for NHL95. What I mean by that is, player movement has a very angular feel to it in 95. You're skating along and change direction by 45 or 90 degrees and the player JAMS his skate in the ice and you immediately cut in that direction. In the previous game engine, the player movements had this nice float and glide feel to directional changes. A good example of this is when you are swooping a 180 degree turn through the neutral zone with the puck to get lined up for a walk-in deke. If you're controlling a really fast skater as you come through your turn at center ice to go in on the goalie, there's a point at which you come out of the turn and sometimes you extend your turn too far and have to over correct to get lined up. Kind of like you're fishtailing...Anyway, this doesn't exist in NHL 95. You just plant a skate and turn and are immediately headed in the direction you want. I don't know...if 95 was the original game engine and then they went to the 93 engine, I might feel differently. There's something to be said about what you first experienced being what you're most comfortable with. The ideal game would be the NHL94 game engine with ALL of the features from 95 to present day.

After 95, we kept buying future versions of the game but, we always came back to 94. It was the best version then and the best version now. We even tried NHL 97 on our PCs but we stayed with 94 on the Genesis. I think part of that was the experience or hanging out all night with all of us in the same room. Believe it or not, NHL could be played over a dial up connection, but it was laggy. Even with a headset and Skype, there's nothing that replaces human beings gaming side by side in the same room. I'm sure this will be an important part of McBryan's film. A tournament like that could easily be hosted online. Human contact is better. I just learned that NHL 09 is the last PC version of the game. I don't own it but, now I'm curious to see what that version is like. I don't have a modern console currently, but I'm sure I'll get around to that too eventually.

One question I did have is why you have chosen the rules that you all have chosen for your league? I'm just curious how you came to that set of rules...5min periods I get, you want to keep the scores realistic and the time a game actually takes to play. The two rules I'm most interested in hearing about are manual goalies and no line changes...thoughts? (And if there's already a rules discussion on this forum, please feel free to just post a hyperlink to it...I haven't had a chance to really look around here much yet.) Also, if you have any links to ROMS that feature edited versions of 94, I'd be interested in those too. I'm just playing the basic ROM listed under the downloads section here...

Very well said!

Manual goalie is a must-have in competitive play. If you don't use manual goalie, you will have ZERO chance to beat any of the top players. No line changes keeps the game fast and exciting, and is the preferred set up in most of our leagues online. Ultimately that's just a preference.

There have been a few leagues with line changes, and it's also fun, but it just slows the game down. In a 5 minute game, you can easily roll 2 lines, never really use Chk.

For additional Genesis ROMS, here's a place you can quickly grab a few more. I haven't updated in a few months, but this should keep you busy, :): http://forum.nhl94.com/index.php/topic/15534-master-list-of-gens-94-roms/

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Hey everyone! So awesome this website exists, I loved playing NHL94 and NHLPA93 when I was younger. Going to have to figure out how to download these emulators and roms so I can get in on some action.

This online playing community looks like its booming for an 20 year old hockey title, awesome to come across this site and to see all the active leagues. Can't wait to get this all set-up and to see how I measure up.

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Hey everyone! So awesome this website exists, I loved playing NHL94 and NHLPA93 when I was younger. Going to have to figure out how to download these emulators and roms so I can get in on some action.

This online playing community looks like its booming for an 20 year old hockey title, awesome to come across this site and to see all the active leagues. Can't wait to get this all set-up and to see how I measure up.

Welcome! Please feel free to ask any questions if you have trouble getting set up. And once you're set up to play against the CPU on your computer, get an AIM (www.aim.com) screenname and we'll get some games online!

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Welcome! Please feel free to ask any questions if you have trouble getting set up. And once you're set up to play against the CPU on your computer, get an AIM (www.aim.com) screenname and we'll get some games online!

Thank you kingraph! Have everything downloaded and played some games against the CPU. So weird playing with a keyboard, going to need to rust off before I download AIM to play online.

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Thank you kingraph! Have everything downloaded and played some games against the CPU. So weird playing with a keyboard, going to need to rust off before I download AIM to play online.

Awesome...you can also get a USB adapter for Genesis controllers if you don't want to use keyboard. http://www.amazon.com/Mayflash-Totalconsole-Genesis-Controller-Adapter/dp/B00QRZ1HVS

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Greetings all...So, I've been playing the GENS emulator version of this game just fine for a few weeks with no problems. Tonight though, I started it up and everything is running at 10X speed...help, please! I apologize if there's already a thread on this, please feel free to post links to existing threads. I just wasn't sure what to put in the forum's search field to help me find previous threads on this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there. I m a new guy here and my profile must be a little different from most of you.

First, Im not american or canadian, I didnt even never been in North America or am a big hockey fan. Im from Brazil and NHL series came in my life cause the "soccer" (my real passion) games for Sega Mega Drive were crap when I was a kid, so I had to emulate football games with NHL.

Second, and dont kill me for that, I think NHL hockey, the original from 1991, is the best game ever produced in any platform. Maybe cause it was the first great sport game I ever played, and man, I DID play it. Several and several hours in the 90's playing against my brother and cousin, and when they werent at home against the computer to a point that I was almost unbeatable and mastered the game. My brother used to say jokingly that I became p.h.d. on nhl 91. I played a bit of NHLPA93 and later more of 94, but since the game had implemented injuries, my brother and cousin couldnt cope with my very aggressive style of play. Even penalties set on wouldnt forbid me to wreck for good their two or three top players and they inevitably would throw their control away or ask to go back to the 91 one,

But surely NHL 94 is an awesome game. I ve played mega drive games on emulators last years, and in february After almost a quarter of century I bought a Mega Drive (japanese, first model) and went for the NHL games. I am playing the 1991 these days (I play without a goalie so it can be challenging, here thats a game in these conditions I recorded when playing on gens emulator:

Last week on a brazilian version of ebay I found the japanese cartridge of NHL 94 for something around 3 dollars. On friday I will get it and give it a long try to see that if changes my mind and now as adult I can appreciate more the "new" features which werent available at 91.

For now I must say this site is wonderful and I envied so much those who went to play the tournament last week, I wish I had more people here in my country who loves the NHL games like I do.



Edited by pontepretano
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Hello there. I m a new guy here and my profile must be a little different from most of you.

First, Im not american or canadian, I didnt even never been in North America or am a big hockey fan. Im from Brazil and NHL series came in my life cause the "soccer" (my real passion) games for Sega Mega Drive were crap when I was a kid, so I had to emulate football games with NHL.

Do you happen to be friends with the two Brazilian competitors who were at the kingof94.com tournament? Roberto Z. and Caio F.? I don't assume that everybody in Brazil knows each other, haha, but that's quite a coincidence that we have new Brazilian friends playing '94!

Either way, welcome! And yes, check out Coach Mac's '92 league! :)

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Do you happen to be friends with the two Brazilian competitors who were at the kingof94.com tournament? Roberto Z. and Caio F.? I don't assume that everybody in Brazil knows each other, haha, but that's quite a coincidence that we have new Brazilian friends playing '94!

Either way, welcome! And yes, check out Coach Mac's '92 league! :)

No I dont know them! Presume they live there, right?

About this league sounds fabulous, when exactly its planned to start? I must get a decent connection and an adapted joystick till there

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No I dont know them! Presume they live there, right?

About this league sounds fabulous, when exactly its planned to start? I must get a decent connection and an adapted joystick till there

Actually one lives in Ottawa and one in Montreal I think, but they both used to live in Brazil and play '94 with a bunch of their friends. Great to hear that there are at least two houses that play hockey games in Brazil!

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I have registered for the classic league starting soon.

If i am luck enough to get a team, i would just like to confirm that I am confirmed? lol

BTW I have been a user here for approx 8 years, and I played in one season of classic.

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