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EA Suggestion


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:) Actually, I have one burning desire to see one thing changed. And that would be what? Well, glad you asked, easy medium or hard controls; so that way the game wouldn't change on us in that second period. There is no greater annoyance when playing than to lose control of the flow of the game for no reason. When its you versus the AI, you should be able to anticipate, yet the way it is now, we can't. Grumble grumble grumble!
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You guys are missing some MAJOR bugs in the game that need to be fixed:

1) No Penalty shot if the period ends

2) Freak goals after the whistle

3) Injured player cannot take the penalty shot if he is injured. (IE a sub should be taken in his place and the shot would count)

4) Goals scored at 0:00

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You guys are missing some MAJOR bugs in the game that need to be fixed:

1) No Penalty shot if the period ends

Why shouldn't there be penalty shots after the period ends?

2) Freak goals after the whistle

I've never experienced that.

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As infuriating as the freak goals after the whistle are, taking them out would make me sad. The same goes for the goalie "slam-through-the-net" goals. If they took those out, it just wouldn't be the same. I'd just keep firing up my old Genesis.

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Red: Why shouldn't there be penalty shots after the period ends?

Use the SNES version and get the penalty shot call near the end of the period without a whistle before the end of the period. The period will start with a penalty shot but it will not count and whistled dead right away.

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Red: Why shouldn't there be penalty shots after the period ends?

Use  the SNES version and get the penalty shot call near the end of the period without a whistle before the end of the period.  The period will start with a penalty shot but it will not count and whistled dead right away.

Oh, I understand. The penalty shot after a period doesn't work correctly. I thought your were saying that there should not be any penalty shots after a period ends at all. I use the Genesis version, so that would explain why I wasn't familiar with #1 & #2.

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Just wanted to give everyone an update.

I have to have the proposal for EA ready by Thursday, April 7th, so I'm not going to have time to post drafts up here for critique. What I will do is post the document up here that I sent to EA Thursday.

I will try to add in everyone's ideas and suggestions from this thread. Thanks for posting all the ideas.

I've been thinking of another possibility lately. What if we found a few programmers that, with the help of this community, could actually recreate the game NHL94? This is absolutely a long shot and a ton of work, but I've started asking around about ideas for this. The game could even be our own, started from scratch, but modelled off of NHL94 (and parts of NHLPA93).

Does anyone know of programmers who could enlighen us on the subject? Please give some thoughts to this...


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Wow, I love the 94 version, If it were on playstation and we were able to trade players and edit players, (+updated rosters) I would buy it. If it were possible to change 1 thing with 94, It would be awesome if A button clicked was a dump in, and held onto used as a fake shot. with the goalies biting for moves, this would create more offense. nothing else diff. Maybe start button clicked once to create a fight, or start button to say yes to a fight. thanks

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Players energy should decrease faster. Now you can play hole game only using one line. If players get tired faster, then you should use all three lines. Teams wouldn't anymore based only on their first lines and five players but all three lines and 15 players. Then there really would be huge difference between teams, because some teams have better depth chart than others. That's the easiest way to make NHL94 more realistic.

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Hi guys!! ok here we go, Firstly, the reason everyone is still a huge fan of NHL94 is because of its gameplay. I have not played a hockey videogame since that was easier to control and more fun to play. I think if we are looking to make changes, we need to make changes that won't disrupt the speed or handling of the game, or else the game will turn into nhl96 or 97 which is what we dont want.

The best change I think can be made is making the A button into two moves. If you click the A button the puck is still dumped in (dumping can be used as an offensive attack), when the A button is held down a fake shot (when a player gets really good at the game it is more difficult to score, the fake shot would force the goalie to stack his pads and give a simple wrist shot opportunity to score. Hopefully the developers would make sure that an un accurate wrist shot would not always score in time becasue the goalie would have time to react, but a player like Sacik would score often). This move would add some more offense to the game. The game doesn't need any extra moves like dekes, because the simple gameplay and spins is what makes it fun. My only other suggestion would be to implement fighting ike EA sports nhl2004. IF the start button is click you can say yes to a fight, if it is held you can go into the menu. In an old fifa game in genesis the start button was used for two things.

Next, I think that the ratings are great as they are. Part of what makes NHL94 exciting is that your player can be hot or cold, and it forces you to be a better coach/player and know when your players are at their worst. I like the idea of changing some of the graphics, i.e. goalie masks and pads, but I on't think too much else needs to be done. IT would be nice if the new game allowed for trades like nhl95. And a cool new option would be if a player could edit a team strength (i.e. how good a team is at home or on the road, powerplay or penalty kill). If it were possible to change these ratings as well as change and possibly edit players, that would be awesome. The intriguing part of NHL94 is that each team plays differently due to their players ability and their team ability (how good they are at home or away "advantage, dissadvantage, or nuetral: penalty kill and powerplay adv diss neu). This is why some teams play better at home, and others are neutral.

If the game can stay as close as possible to NHL94 in playability (note all points above) we would ave an awesome game that I would play on playstation or xbox. thanks

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Players energy should decrease faster. Now you can play hole game only using one line. If players get tired faster, then you should use all three lines. Teams wouldn't anymore based only on their first lines and five players but all three lines and 15 players. Then there really would be huge difference between teams, because some teams have better depth chart than others. That's the easiest way to make NHL94 more realistic.

Good idea Mahav, So maybe they could put an option for simulation and arcade. So that those who want to play 5on5 all game with equal power can, and those who want realistic can simulate.

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This is what I will be giving the Vice President of EA. The sales guy where I work will be meeting up with him next week and handing this to him. Hopefully he will give it a few minutes and at least think about what was said. I will keep everyone updated if there's any response.



Proposal to Release a Classic Hockey Game

Proposal Objective: To give some insight into what could be the most successful hockey game on the market, creating a modern “old-style” hockey video game based on the game NHL94.


There are plenty of unhappy videogame hockey fans who are tired of playing the same hockey games, year after year. Many hockey fans have given up on the new releases and continue to play the “classic” hockey games by Electronic Arts. These games include the following titles: NHL92, NHLPA93, NHL94, and NHL95.


These games were released for the Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and Super Nintendo. There’s a reason why a huge number of people still play these games – because they were so much fun. The new games have too many control options, are too fast, and seem to do almost everything for you. In the same breath, the new games seem to be missing the fun factor the older hockey games possess where you could be more creative in making nice plays.

My goal is to simply open your mind up to the possibility of selling a different style of EA Hockey. This game would be the combination of preferred options and game play from the above titles, mainly NHL94, with some new features added in. These new features are mentioned below in the game outline.

Everyone I talk to regarding the EA Hockey series has the same feedback. The new games are “ok” or “not bad”, but the classic games were so much more fun. Many people feel the new hockey games don’t let the user be creative, and the game leads the buyer to return it.

I manage a forum for the classic game NHL94. The members of this forum and I have been editing the game using hex and tile editors. In doing this, we have updated player names, player ratings, team names, team colors, ice color, and more. The reason we have took the time to figure this stuff out is because this game is so valuable, and so much fun that we’d rather find ways to update the old game than to play the new ones. But, there’s only so much you can edit with these types of programs before realizing that the only way to create the ultimate hockey game is though EA.

EA Hockey Series History

To briefly discuss the history of the EA Hockey games, here’s how the game play went.

NHL92 was the first in the series to come out, and was a big hit. Key features were the ability to pick a fight after a whistle, the smooth skating, checking, and the overall realistic value to the game. It wasn’t perfect, but was a great start.


A fight in NHL92

Then EA released NHLPA93. This game added in some new features like blood, faster skating, some new player animations, and more stats and options to keep track of. The speed of this game was mastered by EA. The game play is also smoother than NHL92, making it very realistic. The fighting aspect of NHLPA93 is better than NHL92, adding in movement during fighting, and making it difficult to always win a fight. This game’s overall improvements made this game more fun to play than NHL92. The only thing missing from NHLPA93 that is in NHL92 is the ability to pick a fight after a whistle.

Next, NHL94 was released. Key features in this game are the one-timer, manual control of the goalie, some added checking animations and sounds, period stats, and user records. This game also possesses a unique artificial intelligence. The computer-controlled teams will never be the same game after game. This creates an unknown result every time, making the game even more exciting. The one important thing taken out of this game is the ability to fight. Besides the lack of fighting, most agree that this game is the most fun of the series to date.

After NHL94, the games that came afterwards started a downward spiral. The game play became too fast, and the overall games became disappointing. These games lost the fun value of the hockey games EA was previously releasing. EA continues to add and remove features from the new games, but nothing comes close to the classic games.

Below I have put together ideas for a release of a modern “old-style” hockey game. What I mean by that is a combination of the games NHL92, NHLPA93, and NHL94 with some added and updated features.

The reason why I’m proposing to release this game is because by adding the features mentioned below, this new game would absolutely be the most popular hockey video game. It would include all of the best features of a hockey game with the best game play. Simply releasing NHL94 by itself again without adding and updating features wouldn’t work because it’s very easy to buy the original game or play it on an emulator.

Game Outline

Platform: PC, Xbox, and PS2. The reason for choosing these platforms is they all support multiplayer and online games. This release would have to support these features for it to be successful.

Animation: Using NHLPA93 and NHL94 as a reference either recreate or copy all of the player animations from these games. Keeping the old style animations would keep the classic value to the game. The speed of the player’s skating should come from these games as well.

User Interface: Based on NHL94. This user interface was very easy to understand. The main change to make to the user interface is making the in-game scoreboard and clock opaque so you can still see behind them.



All screenshots above have been taken from the Sega Genesis version of NHL94.


The above screenshot was taken from the Sega Genesis version of NHL95.

Controls: A common criticism of the current EA Hockey releases is the controls are too complicated. Most people couldn’t tell you what all the buttons do in the modern hockey games. Keeping the controls to about 3-4 buttons plus the directional is the best medium, using NHL94’s controls as a reference.

Artificial Intelligence: The AI from NHLPA93 and NHL94 was absolutely the best for the human players’ teammates, and the opposing players. Replicating or somehow using this AI would be one of the most important aspects of keeping the classic value of the game.

Game Features

Features taken from previous EA Hockey games:

From NHL92

- Fighting after a whistle stops play

From NHLPA93

- Blood, but only for certain injuries

- Animations and graphics for fighting and blood

From NHL94

- User interface

- Artificial Intelligence

- One-timer code and animations

- Manual goalie code and animations

- Ratings system for players and teams

- Checking and hits code and animation

- Audio for in-game sounds, organ music

- Period stats

- Player stats

- User records

- Crowd Meter

From NHL95

- A-button makes the player lay down to block a shot on defense

- The opaque score and time menu boxes during the game

New/Edited Features

The features mentioned below are some ideas I have collected from myself and other classic EA Hockey fans. I don’t know the capabilities of the programming, so I’ve decided to include all of the game suggestions we could think of. Without adding the features listed below, there would be no reason to release this game, since it would just be something that’s been done before.

- Change player's "star" to "ring" (better on the eye) – the newer games use the “ring”

- Online play built into the game for all platforms chosen

- Complete season mode with the possibility to save seasons over time

- The ability to edit ANY team, the number of teams used in the league, players, player pictures, team logos, ratings, jersey colors, ice color, period lengths, number of players on the ice

- The ability to create a certain number of players (additional to the current number of players) to be signed by a team

- The ability to trade players, and have a free agent pool where players "sit" until they are signed by a team

- Tracking all modern hockey stats (Goals, Assists, Points, Penalty Minutes, Power Play Goals, Short Handed Goals, etc.)

- Injuries to be more descriptive (blood animations for only more severe injuries)

- Fighting as common as NHL92, but with the fighting engine from NHLPA93

- The ability to add your own organ music, theme songs (uploading audio into the game)

- Pressing A on defense would make a player lay down to block a shot (taken from NHL95), but only while the opposing team is taking a shot

- A possible "re-direction" animation that would behave like the one-timer if a pass were given to the player in the slot

- 3 levels of AI difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard)

- A franchise mode where players have a salary and you "build" a team and play seasons with them

- Add team logos onto the jerseys

- Goalies should lay down less often than in NHL94, and more shots should result in rebounds

- Use the modern penalty system (2 minutes for minors, 4 minutes for double minors, 5 minutes for majors, and 10 minutes for misconducts)

- Coaches and goalies on or behind the bench as well as the players

- Tapping the A button with the puck would clear the puck, while holding it down would produce a fake-shot

- Player’s energy should decrease faster to create line changes more often, and having the scoring 1 line on the ice less

- Having the ability to upload new player pictures

- Having the ability to record video clips from a game played and save them as highlights

- An occasional “brawl” where all of the computer-controlled players on the ice fight with each other during a user-controlled fight, with the corresponding penalties given out

- The ability to export stats from the game as some form of text document

- Having a website dedicated to leagues, updates, and information to this game

Important Features for EA Hockey Players

I understand that EA tries to please as many people as they can by adding and removing game features every year. Below is a list of features that are very important for hockey gamers to have in a hockey game.

- The game play to replicate NHL94’s game play

- One timers

- Fighting

- Online and multiplayer modes

- The ability for the user to edit as many things as possible in the game (player names, numbers, ratings, team names, team colors, the number of players on a team, team logos, audio, period lengths, certain rules being on or off)

- Trading players

- Creating new players (additional to the current number of players)

- Signing created players to teams, and having a free agent pool where unsigned players “sit”

- Difficulty levels

- Franchise mode

- The ability to have as many stats tracked and saved as possible


So what I have described above is a release of a classic “old-style” hockey videogame, maintaining the classic graphics, game play, and simplicity of user controls. Keeping this in mind, simply adding the features mentioned above, because the main focus is how much fun the classic games are to play. I can’t stress enough how important this game’s game play is. There has not been a hockey game on the market with excellent game play since NHL94.

I feel this game would be a huge part of the videogame world, and could start a “classic” game trend leading to a new game genre. Certain platforms like Game boy have been re-releasing older games, and sometimes adding new features into certain games. This gives people a reason to buy the game again.

In the end, a videogame is a form of entertainment. The more fun people have playing a videogame, the more likely it will become popular and successful. If this game were to have all of the features mentioned above, it would become very popular and successful.

I would also like to mention that I will not ask for anything in return for this idea. I will be happy to contribute to this game anyway I can. I’m sure there’s a lot of videogame fanatics who may send EA suggestions, so I understand if you’ve “heard this all before”. If anything, I hope this gives EA a little insight on what the videogame hockey fans are waiting for. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any part of what was explained above further.

Thank you for your time, I sincerely appreciate it.

Evan Eldredge

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Awesome!!!, that would be the greatest game ever. Excellent proposal! Ea could even make money selling the gensis type joystick with the game for these classic games! so the six button sega joystick for xbox, ps2 and pc. That would make money as well.

This is what I will be giving the Vice President of EA.  The sales guy where I work will be meeting up with him next week and handing this to him.  Hopefully he will give it a few minutes and at least think about what was said.  I will keep everyone updated if there's any response.



Proposal to Release a Classic Hockey Game

Proposal Objective:  To give some insight into what could be the most successful hockey game on the market, creating a modern “old-style” hockey video game based on the game NHL94.


There are plenty of unhappy videogame hockey fans who are tired of playing the same hockey games, year after year.  Many hockey fans have given up on the new releases and continue to play the “classic” hockey games by Electronic Arts.  These games include the following titles:  NHL92, NHLPA93, NHL94, and NHL95.


These games were released for the Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and Super Nintendo.  There’s a reason why a huge number of people still play these games – because they were so much fun.  The new games have too many control options, are too fast, and seem to do almost everything for you. In the same breath, the new games seem to be missing the fun factor the older hockey games possess where you could be more creative in making nice plays.

My goal is to simply open your mind up to the possibility of selling a different style of EA Hockey.  This game would be the combination of preferred options and game play from the above titles, mainly NHL94, with some new features added in.  These new features are mentioned below in the game outline.

Everyone I talk to regarding the EA Hockey series has the same feedback.  The new games are “ok” or “not bad”, but the classic games were so much more fun.  Many people feel the new hockey games don’t let the user be creative, and the game leads the buyer to return it.

I manage a forum for the classic game NHL94.  The members of this forum and I have been editing the game using hex and tile editors.  In doing this, we have updated player names, player ratings, team names, team colors, ice color, and more.  The reason we have took the time to figure this stuff out is because this game is so valuable, and so much fun that we’d rather find ways to update the old game than to play the new ones.  But, there’s only so much you can edit with these types of programs before realizing that the only way to create the ultimate hockey game is though EA.

EA Hockey Series History

To briefly discuss the history of the EA Hockey games, here’s how the game play went.

NHL92 was the first in the series to come out, and was a big hit.  Key features were the ability to pick a fight after a whistle, the smooth skating, checking, and the overall realistic value to the game.  It wasn’t perfect, but was a great start.


A fight in NHL92

Then EA released NHLPA93.  This game added in some new features like blood, faster skating, some new player animations, and more stats and options to keep track of.  The speed of this game was mastered by EA.  The game play is also smoother than NHL92, making it very realistic.  The fighting aspect of NHLPA93 is better than NHL92, adding in movement during fighting, and making it difficult to always win a fight.  This game’s overall improvements made this game more fun to play than NHL92.  The only thing missing from NHLPA93 that is in NHL92 is the ability to pick a fight after a whistle.

Next, NHL94 was released.  Key features in this game are the one-timer, manual control of the goalie, some added checking animations and sounds, period stats, and user records.  This game also possesses a unique artificial intelligence.  The computer-controlled teams will never be the same game after game.  This creates an unknown result every time, making the game even more exciting.  The one important thing taken out of this game is the ability to fight.  Besides the lack of fighting, most agree that this game is the most fun of the series to date.

After NHL94, the games that came afterwards started a downward spiral.  The game play became too fast, and the overall games became disappointing.  These games lost the fun value of the hockey games EA was previously releasing.  EA continues to add and remove features from the new games, but nothing comes close to the classic games.

Below I have put together ideas for a release of a modern “old-style” hockey game.  What I mean by that is a combination of the games NHL92, NHLPA93, and NHL94 with some added and updated features.

The reason why I’m proposing to release this game is because by adding the features mentioned below, this new game would absolutely be the most popular hockey video game.  It would include all of the best features of a hockey game with the best game play.  Simply releasing NHL94 by itself again without adding and updating features wouldn’t work because it’s very easy to buy the original game or play it on an emulator.

Game Outline

Platform: PC, Xbox, and PS2.  The reason for choosing these platforms is they all support multiplayer and online games.  This release would have to support these features for it to be successful.

Animation: Using NHLPA93 and NHL94 as a reference either recreate or copy all of the player animations from these games.  Keeping the old style animations would keep the classic value to the game.  The speed of the player’s skating should come from these games as well.

User Interface:  Based on NHL94. This user interface was very easy to understand.  The main change to make to the user interface is making the in-game scoreboard and clock opaque so you can still see behind them.



All screenshots above have been taken from the Sega Genesis version of NHL94.


The above screenshot was taken from the Sega Genesis version of NHL95.

Controls:  A common criticism of the current EA Hockey releases is the controls are too complicated.  Most people couldn’t tell you what all the buttons do in the modern hockey games.  Keeping the controls to about 3-4 buttons plus the directional is the best medium, using NHL94’s controls as a reference.

Artificial Intelligence:  The AI from NHLPA93 and NHL94 was absolutely the best for the human players’ teammates, and the opposing players.  Replicating or somehow using this AI would be one of the most important aspects of keeping the classic value of the game.

Game Features

Features taken from previous EA Hockey games:

From NHL92

- Fighting after a whistle stops play

From NHLPA93

- Blood, but only for certain injuries

- Animations and graphics for fighting and blood

From NHL94

- User interface

- Artificial Intelligence

- One-timer code and animations

- Manual goalie code and animations

- Ratings system for players and teams

- Checking and hits code and animation

- Audio for in-game sounds, organ music

- Period stats

- Player stats

- User records

- Crowd Meter

From NHL95

- A-button makes the player lay down to block a shot on defense

- The opaque score and time menu boxes during the game

New/Edited Features

The features mentioned below are some ideas I have collected from myself and other classic EA Hockey fans.  I don’t know the capabilities of the programming, so I’ve decided to include all of the game suggestions we could think of.  Without adding the features listed below, there would be no reason to release this game, since it would just be something that’s been done before.

- Change player's "star" to "ring" (better on the eye) – the newer games use the “ring”

- Online play built into the game for all platforms chosen

- Complete season mode with the possibility to save seasons over time

- The ability to edit ANY team, the number of teams used in the league, players, player pictures, team logos, ratings, jersey colors, ice color, period lengths, number of players on the ice

- The ability to create a certain number of players (additional to the current number of players) to be signed by a team

- The ability to trade players, and have a free agent pool where players "sit" until they are signed by a team

- Tracking all modern hockey stats (Goals, Assists, Points, Penalty Minutes, Power Play Goals, Short Handed Goals, etc.)

- Injuries to be more descriptive (blood animations for only more severe injuries)

- Fighting as common as NHL92, but with the fighting engine from NHLPA93

- The ability to add your own organ music, theme songs (uploading audio into the game)

- Pressing A on defense would make a player lay down to block a shot (taken from NHL95), but only while the opposing team is taking a shot

- A possible "re-direction" animation that would behave like the one-timer if a pass were given to the player in the slot

- 3 levels of AI difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard)

- A franchise mode where players have a salary and you "build" a team and play seasons with them

- Add team logos onto the jerseys

- Goalies should lay down less often than in NHL94, and more shots should result in rebounds

- Use the modern penalty system (2 minutes for minors, 4 minutes for double minors, 5 minutes for majors, and 10 minutes for misconducts)

- Coaches and goalies on or behind the bench as well as the players

- Tapping the A button with the puck would clear the puck, while holding it down would produce a fake-shot

- Player’s energy should decrease faster to create line changes more often, and having the scoring 1 line on the ice less

- Having the ability to upload new player pictures

- Having the ability to record video clips from a game played and save them as highlights

- An occasional “brawl” where all of the computer-controlled players on the ice fight with each other during a user-controlled fight, with the corresponding penalties given out

- The ability to export stats from the game as some form of text document

- Having a website dedicated to leagues, updates, and information to this game

Important Features for EA Hockey Players

I understand that EA tries to please as many people as they can by adding and removing game features every year.  Below is a list of features that are very important for hockey gamers to have in a hockey game.

- The game play to replicate NHL94’s game play

- One timers

- Fighting

- Online and multiplayer modes

- The ability for the user to edit as many things as possible in the game (player names, numbers, ratings, team names, team colors, the number of players on a team, team logos, audio, period lengths, certain rules being on or off)

- Trading players

- Creating new players (additional to the current number of players)

- Signing created players to teams, and having a free agent pool where unsigned players “sit”

- Difficulty levels

- Franchise mode

- The ability to have as many stats tracked and saved as possible


So what I have described above is a release of a classic “old-style” hockey videogame, maintaining the classic graphics, game play, and simplicity of user controls.  Keeping this in mind, simply adding the features mentioned above, because the main focus is how much fun the classic games are to play.  I can’t stress enough how important this game’s game play is.  There has not been a hockey game on the market with excellent game play since NHL94.

I feel this game would be a huge part of the videogame world, and could start a “classic” game trend leading to a new game genre.  Certain platforms like Game boy have been re-releasing older games, and sometimes adding new features into certain games.  This gives people a reason to buy the game again.

In the end, a videogame is a form of entertainment.  The more fun people have playing a videogame, the more likely it will become popular and successful.  If this game were to have all of the features mentioned above, it would become very popular and successful.

I would also like to mention that I will not ask for anything in return for this idea.  I will be happy to contribute to this game anyway I can.  I’m sure there’s a lot of videogame fanatics who may send EA suggestions, so I understand if you’ve “heard this all before”.  If anything, I hope this gives EA a little insight on what the videogame hockey fans are waiting for.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any part of what was explained above further.

Thank you for your time, I sincerely appreciate it.

Evan Eldredge

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That's a very good proposal. You are right on all the points. Also, online play is nice but for those of us who only have a GC and PC, id like to see the game on the GC as well, but whatever, something needs to be done about those new crappy hockey games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

Just wanted to update you on the EA proposal. The sales guy where I work was unable to track the vice president down during the conference. He will be sending the proposal over to him very soon, and I will update more as soon as I know.

Again, we're not expecting anything, so even a response is something.


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  • 1 year later...
Hey guys,

Just wanted to update you on the EA proposal. The sales guy where I work was unable to track the vice president down during the conference. He will be sending the proposal over to him very soon, and I will update more as soon as I know.

Again, we're not expecting anything, so even a response is something.



This is amazing stuff - did your efforts have anything to do with the release of 94 with NHL 06 on Ps2?

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Good stuff : )

One little note.. when you say 'opaque,' I think what you mean to say is 'semi-transparent.' 'Opaque' means you can't see through it.

If they're going to redo the game for a new platform, I think they should go for four buttons instead of 3.

The tough thing about redoing NHL94 is that a lot of what we love about the game are its quirks (that is, its bugs!).

What are thoughts on goalie control? Is it good or bad that you have to hold down the B button for a while to take control? I kind of like it.. You have to plan ahead..

I think the *main* thing that turns me off all other hockey games is how easy it is to turn and control your player. In 94, you have to really have the 'feel' of the game to get your guys to do what you want. You have to master things like the spin-stop. You need to carefully predict your opponent in order to check him or intercept his pass, because if you mess up, you're totally out of position.

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Reading through this thread, I have to congratulate everyone (esp. Evan) for a ton of good suggestions and a great proposal. 'NHL '94 ver. 2.0' is something I know all of us would LOVE to see happen...

With the addition of it's Virtual Console for the upcoming Nintendo Wii, as well as the announcement that many classic Sega titles will be made available for play on the new console, it opens up (possibly) a new avenue to make the updated NHL '94 project.

But, the bottom line in the video game business is just that--the bottom line. The biggest obstacle to this project won't be the programming or satisfying everyone's needs, but cost. It just won't fly unless the developers can recoup the costs of taking on such a project.

This is where we all have to help: let the developers know (whomever is eventually contacted at EA), that this is a great opportunity. Give them articles like this one, and show them just how many of us would actually buy ver. 2.0.

It's an uphill battle for sure, but damn would it be worth it. :D

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Do you think this proposal is what made EA put '94 on the PS2 version of NHL06? If so.. we do have some sway with them! Good work Evan..

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  • 2 weeks later...

smozoma Posted May 17 2006, 05:53 PM

Do you think this proposal is what made EA put '94 on the PS2 version of NHL06? If so.. we do have some sway with them! Good work Evan..

Well, was it?

Have we all given up on this then? Lets try again.

First of all boycott all their new crappy games.

And just keep bugging them. Flood them with emails, death letters if necessary! :lol:

And by the way, the addition of NHL 94 to nhl 06 is hardly a success. It was the bloody genesis version :lol:


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I would guess that our efforts were the reason for adding NHL94 into the PS2 version of the new NHL game. Unfortunately, they totally missed the point.

They made the players names, teams totally fictional. Why not put the 2K6 rosters, teams into 94???? Also, you COULDNT play it online. Either put the exact game on the CD, or match the rosters, teams to the 2K6 version.

It was certainly a bust, but I do feel it had something to do with our community. And yes, they should of chosen Gens and Snes, not just one.


PS If anyone has ideas for contacting/approaching EA, speak up. It's not an easy situation to approach considering they have all the money.

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They made the players names, teams totally fictional. Why not put the 2K6 rosters, teams into 94???? Also, you COULDNT play it online. Either put the exact game on the CD, or match the rosters, teams to the 2K6 version.

I agree this was completely asinine.

For this to come to fruition I think it would take a lot of signatures on a petition or something of that nature. But seeing how they put it in NHL 2006 it doesn't seem that remote anymore.

Looking at the massive teams of programmers etc. that are assembled to create some of today's games, it would be relatively easy task.

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I would love to see this type of game made by EA to redeem themselves in the eyes of many older players, but the only problem with this is that it's EA. EA doesn't give a rat's ass about the fans (but thinking about it, they never had to deal with the requests of the fanbase due to non-prevalence of the internet in its infancy).

The only option would probably be to buy out the game code from EA and make the suggested changes to the game afterward (I don't know EA's stance on its older intellectual properties, but it would probably cost a pretty penny to pry the game code out of their hands). This is mainly because EA probably won't refurbish the game for us because of the basic fact that we are a small, but rising minority in the gaming world. EA's about money, not respect.

Of course, EA could be visited by three ghosts and release all of their older games as free domain and care about the fans... :D

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Has this lost interest or is it just a sore point?

Do we even really need a special version of 94?

Is it because you all want to use the new crappy PS2 contollers or something?

Or is it because we are not smart enough as hackers to change the gameplay for ourselves?

If we could change it enough, would it suffice?


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