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Gens has faster input for controls, where as Kega Fusion has a slight delay, which doesn't work good for the NHL series. However Kega Fusion works good for Madden and Bill Walsh.


Yeah i have the same problem, my W8 computer can't handle gens, i've tried anything but it won't work properly :(


You can always dual boot with Windows7, Vista or XP. I don't see the point of windows 8 though.


I don't see the point of Windows. nor Sega!

anyway, delayed button response has always been my biggest issue with the Genesis hardware. does Kega make it worse? does Gens make it better? does anybody have any stats for this stuff?


Deadmeow is the man, he's exactly right. The input delay on kega makes 94 virtually unplayable. People who say otherwise have probably not really tried both lol. Gens has it's share of small deficiencies but the gameplay feel is no doubt the best emulator wise.

As for trudatman, I'm pretty sure gens is the same input feel wise as the actual genesis console. Idk the exact specs lol but to me it feels exactly the same. My gut feeling is that gens feels more optimal, but that's probably because i've played 100x more games in online gens than I have on an actual console.


Just to echo TK and deadmeow, that slight delay on kega feels like I'm playing on server with 8 frame delay minimum, which becomes a major issue for higher level play. Sucks, because I hear good things about kega.

I've played on console a few times over the last year and it's pretty much the same as playing on GENS. Not sure what the delayed button response is though?

  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...


Sound effects: Kega > Gens

Lag: Kega > Gens

Goalie Control: Kega > Gens

Emulated Gameplay: Kega > Gens

Overall conclusion, Kega>Gens.


I don't buy faster input of controls necessarily... With gens I feel I am getting a very buggy genesis emulation experience opposed to Kega. Kega looks and plays NHL 94 much closer to what it was like back in the days on the console than in Gens.

Im not concerned that Kega doesn't allow for the custom screen resizing because Zsnes is the same way, I feel this is what helps both emulators provide a smoother, less choppy, online gaming experience.

Old dogs can always learn new tricks.


Might have to check Kega out......does gameplay work if one guy has Kega and the other had Gens?


Might have to check Kega out......does gameplay work if one guy has Kega and the other had Gens?

no, they connect in different ways. incompatible.

Posted (edited)

Okkkk you guys seriously, try playing around with the 1on1 rom by yourself (or the normal rom is fine too) on both gens and kega one after the other. Specifically pay attention to the feel of deking back and forth with the puck. Deking back and forth doesn`t feel different on kega than it does on gens?

Like Raph said a while ago in this thread, kega feels like playing 2on2 server lag. There is a reason I suck at gc in 2on2, because of the hardcore 8 frame delay. But anyway, just try out kega and gens on the same day. Kega feels noticeably delayed

Also I think playing a lot of games on delay like kega and server can really ruin your skills for normal p2p games. This part is really just opinionated, but I think it kind of messes with your timing. Not a huge deal though. Bottom line: DON`T USE KEGA!

Edited by TomKabs93

yeah TK is right I tried it yesterday and it does feel like im playing tacoman lol


I don't buy faster input of controls necessarily... With gens I feel I am getting a very buggy genesis emulation experience opposed to Kega. Kega looks and plays NHL 94 much closer to what it was like back in the days on the console than in Gens.

Im not concerned that Kega doesn't allow for the custom screen resizing because Zsnes is the same way, I feel this is what helps both emulators provide a smoother, less choppy, online gaming experience.

Old dogs can always learn new tricks.

Even if Kega is better than Gens overall, (and I agree, it is) it still has some downsides like button delay. Also I know saving states with a hotkey was an issue for a while, so it made that process a pain.

I guess what I'm getting at is you're not going to get people to switch from something that they've been using and are comfortable with to something new unless it's clearly that much better, like an emulator similar to ZSNES. ZSNES is able to send and load savestates with the other person so it eliminates desync issues, you can chat in game, minimal button delay, etc. There's really nothing bad that I have to say about it other than you can't copy and paste IP addresses so you have to memorize a few numbers and alt-tab around a bit, but really if that's the worst thing then who cares.

I bet If we had something that was just so much better on every level then people would be all over it, but unfortunately Kega has its own downsides so people don't want to make the effort to switch.

I agree about the screen resizing thing and I think it does help with lag. I remember some guy on here used to go on and on about how to exactly set up your Gens so everybody was uniform because he believed it didn't lag as much that way. But really, good luck getting everybody to cooperate with that for tons of reasons.


I understand Kega has its deficiencies as most other emulators do, but if "faster" emulation is more important than "accurate" emulation I would agree with TK, freydey, & raph. Im still not convinced of a button delay "bug" in fusion, as I am that gens provides faster emulation inconsistent with the genesis console. From my experience Fusion provides the smoother online play, which I personally value more than stat data-basing ( which is by no means a knock on the great work members have done to extract stats from Gens savestates to websites). If there is an open thread on Kega vs Gens, I will always support Kega like I have consistently done the past couple years. I am fully aware 95% of genesis players find any talk of ditching gens as taboo.


as a related aside: can the "Preferred System:" selections code be changed so Kega users aren't shown as preferring "Gens" and SNES players aren't shown as liking "Snes," whatever that is? always struck me as just plain wrong. the text for the choices could just be replaced with more accurate options like "Genesis" and "SNES" or "Super Nintendo." PC and Sega CD could be options, too. as could NHL '93 and NHL '95, I figure.


There is no "button delay bug" in Kega Fusion, there is simply button/control lag during netplay. This is a fact, not something that is debatable.

When you host a netplay game, you actually choose how much input lag you want, with the slider, according to your opponents net lag/delay (shown in ms). This is chosen in ms, and this input lag is how Kega Fusion keeps the game play smooth. When you are not playing netplay, that input lag is not there like it is during netplay.

Gens just skips frames to keep games synced. Sometimes it gets real bad, and you have that strobe-light frame skipping effect that can kill your onlne game and lead to an easy score for your opponent.

Input lag kills NHL games online, but it works decently with Madden and Bill Walsh football.


I mostly play live in person with people so Kega's problem or whatever is not an issue for me.

I also seem to always get strobe light frame skipping effect when playing online with Gens.

  • 2 years later...

Are there any emulators that run 94 well on Windows 8?

Gens and Gens+ both lag hardcore and Kega Fusion won't go into full screen mode.

I'm really frustrated.

Alt+enter and you are in full screen mode with Keka Fusion...


I have to ask: why have you always insisted on typing it as "Keka?"

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