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Vegas GDL6 Championship Odds


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Lines are out fellas, some impressive rosters I must say, let the games begin!

Vegas Future Odds to win GDL 6 title(based on coach’s perceived strength and quality of current roster)


Metz: +13,434---a steadily improving coach looking for a big year from the Russian Rocket. Steve Thomas is a good role player who can chip in on offense and take some of the pressure off of Bure. Curtis Joseph is looking to rebound from a frightening season last year in GDL5.

Sdogg: +18,000—hey you nevah know, as Chris Berman says, “That’s why they PLAAY the game!” When you’ve got Roenick on your side, anything can happen, right? Unfortunately a poor supporting cast around Roenick will spell doom for this squad. The Hartford faithful will continue to support this team and their coach who is nothing but a class act, persistent, and willing to learn from the best.

Houlanov: +10,000---Possesses arguably the best roster on paper in GDL 6, but that doesn’t always translate into success. This roster with Mogilny, Muller, and Neely has the potential to be an offensive juggernaut. The question is, will this conservative coach preach a run ‘n gun style attack to make this offense click? I’m not so sure, but a feisty competitor will continue to be a pest on the defensive end and surprise some teams during their extended road trips.

Nikpetro: +1300— the new kid on the block, yet an outstanding nhl94 player—extremely multifaceted in his approach, can play a low scoring defensive game or get into a shootout with you. Can do it all and adapt accordingly—he is the real deal. And holy cow, what an amazing roster, props to evitagen on setting this gig up. Lots of buzz as to why Yzerman was traded for Gartner and Sakic, but I think it was a terrific GM move as NYR desperately needed depth at the front line. Wendel Clark was useless agility wise, and Sakic will certainly take his place. Yzerman was a likely 150 goal scorer, but Gartner is a 100+ goal scorer with Sakic not far behind at 90+ goals. Sakic and Gartner will together become the most dangerous scoring tandem in the league. The offense is set, the question is, how will that suspect defense of the Rangers hold up? The listed line I think is a bargain-- but game experience and GM skills are untested, which prevents Sin City from making this line more expensive.

Shaftman: +16,000---I am not sure if that draft was supposed to be a joke on his part. With this being said, the coach does have talent to win at some point as evidence shows prior success in the SNES leagues. But talk about going to a war without a gun. Well Canada never gets involved with anything on a world stage anyway. I have high regard for Larmer and Housley but the rest of the roster is just a disaster.

Sebe: +850—I think it’s the year of the legend---phenomenal draft and I get the feel his game has really progressed to the point where we can seriously start talking about a championship. Trading for Klima was a brilliant idea—as Klima has been in multiple finals series--part of the GDL 1 championship team and was runner up in last year’s finals. Looks like this team has a gamebreaker in Klima, a lethal checker in Gretzky, and a highly skilled sharpshooter in Kamensky--- it will be tough to stop this team in a seven game series because of its offensive versatility. Defensively they are quite solid as well, as Russell and Chelios will continue to impress. Sebe finds himself in what might the toughest division in the league, but those grueling regular season games might be a solid tuneup for a run at that coveted trophy.

Icestorm: +700—quite simply one of the best all around nhl94ers in the world, but why this fixation on Courtnall? If this mastermind could have found a way to get Ciccarelli or Gartner instead, who knows how impressive his record could be. He came ever so close to getting Sakic and Leetch in a blockbuster deal-- however trade talks came to a screeching halt as Sakic exercised his no-trade clause. Nonetheless a reasonable division combined with the duo of Robitaille and Courtnall will keep him in serious title contention.

Kgman: +800—the best playoff performer ever, the question is, how interested will he be in the regular season? And why get rid of Gartner to obtain the guy with the most inaccurate shot in nhl94, Modano? Not sure what’s up his sleeve this year, but a disappointing finish against Ice in the playoffs last season might have rekindled that championship fever. Not good news for the rest of the league.

Hokkeefan: +7500—He turned Gilmour into Kovalenko via 856 trades. That won’t get you anywhere in GDL 6. I can’t name the players on Hokkee’s roster because it changes by the hour, I don’t know if he even knows who’s on his roster. He’s likely guaranteed a top 5 pick for next year. Giving up on season 6 could turn out to be a smart strategy for this living legend, especially if the GDL upper brass mandate no trade clauses for his future first round picks. If Hokkee can somehow get Bure back, he’ll be back in business once again.

Gr81:+1000—the Baltimore Ravens of GDL. It seems like his defense is legendary. Hynes and Brisebois make up one of the hardest hitting defenses in the league--this really could get scary. Defense does win championships, but will he get the offense going more so this year? Needs a monster year out of Brett Hull. Could make a serious push if this happens.

Habs: +650—always a serious contender, but this year even more so with an incredible addition to his roster---the second best player in nhl94, Steve Yzerman. Giving one of the game’s best coaches a top 2 player may seem like the kiss of death, but don’t fault nikpetro on this one, it was a win-win situation for both parties. With this being said, this could be the move that puts Habs over the top. Lots of games to be played however, don’t crown him just yet. The supporting cast(Nieuwendyk and Turgeon) around Yzerman has very good scoring potential with excellent shot power, yet lacks ideal speed and this might be something to keep an eye on. Let’s be honest though, this offense is going to be very very sick. Don’t forget you’re adding a top 8 goalie to the mix as well. An active GM with lots of brilliant trade ideas will keep his team with the pedal to the metal all season long. I expect him to be one of the last guys standing.

Snoboarder: +900—Coming off a record breaking regular season in GDL 5, snoboarder returns to lead a team filled with question marks. Let’s start with Fleury. Fleury reminds me of a 5 tool player in baseball. He’s skilled in so many areas and is a fantastic player you certainly can’t go wrong with---but my biggest knock on him is his average stick handling—can you trust this player driving through a crowded lane down by a goal late in the third? The supporting cast is athletic yet suspect-- Emerson is what you call a “nice” player who addresses checking and speed needs, but his lack of shot power is a liability. The front line is pretty mediocre in the slap shot department-- defenses can zero in on this and relax on their manual GC a bit realizing most goals now must be hard earned drives to the net. The defense(Manson and Wilson) is solid however and possesses deep firing range with blistering shot power to mask the front line deficiencies. I do see a very fast team overall combined with some high level checking which will provide an exciting style of play for the fans. If the goal is championship or bust, the road is certainly much tougher than last year’s obliteration of the competition. But a talented coach will prevent a drastic dropoff record-wise. Coach motivation a bit of an issue however. Lots of money pouring in with this line.

Swos: +600—Ah yes, the Sports Illustrated coverboy---defending champ who quietly put together an impressive draft by keeping the championship nucleus intact. You can’t dream of a better situation if you are Swos, the man is thinking dynasty now. After a scintillating playoff run last season, confidence is no doubt at an all time high and the pressure to win a championship is finally off his back. You guys let the Swosinator get back Ronning? I can’t think of much else to type besides finals tickets. Oh yeah you’re all in for a long year!

Scribe: +3000—This team reminds me of the early 2000s New England Patriots, not a lot of superstars, but just a fundamentally sound team that will keep itself together all year long. I like Reichel in this offense with Lafontaine setting him up for easy looks. This team has an adequate balance of checking, speed, shot power, and defense—all this with no superstar presence or ego guy. I think the X-factor here is the season performance of Terreri. If he can put together some solid performances guarding the net, this team can make a run at a playoff spot. Ultimately however, this team lacks offensive firepower to keep up with the other juggernauts.

Angryjay:+750—Excuse me did I break your concentration? If any other coach had this roster, odds would be +3000 and up, but it seems like AJ welcomes these challenges more than anyone else. In some bad news for the rest of GDL6, it looks like AJ is going to decrease his ‘goals against’ average in half with Sweeney and Fuhr added to his roster. It looks like AJ and Gr81 are going to have the best defenses in the league. But a bright spot for the rest of GDL 6 is the Tampa offense, which I am not a big fan of. Ricci and Granato, while extremely agile, are clearly just average scoring threats. Quite simply, they are going to have to overachieve on the scoring end. But there is no one better in GDL history at manufacturing goals than AJ. Despite the lackluster offense, the coach is the sole reason why the expensive +750 line exists, crushing any hope for the homeless to net a big profit here if this guy wins a title. Looks like the other league participants have shown their smarts by not trading anything to this guy. Jump on this line if you can, I expect this one to shift heavily as the season draws near.

Freydey: +1400—After an impressive debut season in GENS A and GDL 5, Freydey leads a talented finesse roster into GDL 6. Selanne, G. Courtnall, and Bourque will be a tough trio to be reckoned with, although the lack of checking could be an issue in the long run. Courtnall might have to take on a larger offensive role than what he is used to in Vancouver, but I expect this coach to adapt to a run n gun style attack that will help spread the floor offensively. Is this team physically tough enough to get it done? I think they’ll find a way--this coach seems to be on top of team management issues and will make adjustments when needed during the course of the season. I expect a nice playoff run here this time around from Mr. 2ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2.

Flamingpavelbure:+4000---It’s clear FPB didn’t bring his A game on draft day—there were some questionable decisions made with his front line in this draft. Gagner and Semak are gonna drown in this ultra competitive league. Gilmour is a tremendous team player and a bone-crushing checker, but he certainly needs help and cannot do it alone. Gilmour thrives off of role players who can chip in when the going gets tough. I do like the defense in Duchesne and Stevens, not for their checking skills, but the fact that they do provide the offense with a bit of a security blanket. I think Cheveldae will be heavily tested as he will likely see a high number of incoming shots, but Gilmour will do his best with his ridiculous checking by limiting SOG for the other team. This coach certainly has the talent to be successful someday, just not with this roster. Maybe next year.

MattHurray: +2000—What jumps out at me is a high IQ team not blessed with terrific athleticism. The obvious unresolvable issues are poor checking and average speed. Despite this, the offense should be fine with Lemieux directing the attack. Lemieux is arguably the best passer in the game as he is particularly skilled at getting his wing players high percentage shots. Sure Lemieux lacks breakaway speed, but he has terrific AI and helps spread the floor to perfection. Carson and Tikkanen are proven scorers as well and should see some inflated stats because of Lemieux’s presence. Tikkanen and Coffey both provide the team with some much needed speed, but both have very unpredictable shot accuracy. Goalkeeping will be an issue with Puppa guarding the net. The lack of checking on this team will mean a high ‘shots on goal against’ number, which could be a worrisome thing if a guy named Darren Puppa is your goalkeeper.

Vocally Caged: +900 ---Roy, Sandstrom, Zalapaski, Ysebaert, Jagr, Olausson? Doesn’t that sound like the recipe for a $500 sushi dish? All joking aside, that sounds like the makeup of a championship team, with the perfect blend of star and role players. Having Roy and adding Sandstrom isn’t really fair to many. Should be very interesting, could possibly see a 2 plus goal difference in “goals for” and “goals against” stats. The main concern I have with this team is the lack of speed, but this could help set up one timers better for Sandstrom, who has proven to be one of the most consistent scorers in GDL history. A seasoned veteran and talented GM, VC will be one of the toughest guys to beat come playoff time.

Xdeathbloodx: +1500--I expect XDBX to be one of the most improved coaches in this league. This is a very impressive roster across the board without glaring weaknesses. This coach is extremely skilled at catching you off guard with the slapshot, and he has one of the best scorers in Ciccarelli. The challenges he faces lies in the rest of his front line, which is serviceable at best with Oates and Zhamnov—these two players underachieve to what their listed ratings show.

Ensuingfracas: +1500--- I like this team because it’s so balanced. Speed(Hogue), checking(Juneau), and shot power(Shanahan) are all addressed at the front line. In addition you’re adding a top 2 goalie to the mix. Belfour and Hogue will keep this team in the playoff picture---expect a lot of close defensive battles. Juneau will continue to silence the critics and prove he has all-star capabilities. I am not a big Shanahan fan, but like I said, he does provide some much needed shot power to stretch the defense. Offense will be a concern at times, but Belfour is the essential ingredient this team needs to keep the games close and in a position to win in the 3rd period.

BoKnowsNHL94: +2000--- It’s going to be difficult for Bo to replicate his impressive GDL5 season with the roster he brings with him this time. A couple of nice pieces here with Roberts and Bondra I might add, but I question whether the chemistry will be there. Bondra does give the team a deep threat, but a halfway decent goalie can snag nearly any deke shot he puts up. Roberts will give this team a much needed physical presence when driving through crowded lanes, but he’s not a go to guy by any stretch. There will be significant pressure on Gary Leeman to take on a larger scoring role than he is accustomed to. Unfortunately, I expect Sean Burke to get lit up a lot this year. Lots of question marks with this team--but I expect this experienced coach to eventually figure this jigsaw puzzle out.

Jrodimus: +1000--- Veteran coach who completed yet another solid draft selecting some clutch playoff performers with terrific AI. This team will be extremely opportunistic, the chemistry will be there, and I do see them capitalizing on mistakes created by the opposition. Savard and Federov will be a fun duo to watch this year, both extremely athletic and fantastic at closing games out. Savard is one of the toughest guys to knock down in the league, he will be the guy to watch out for as he orchestrates the offense. Expect Lumme to get burned occasionally on the defensive end, but I don’t think goalkeeping will be much of an issue with the competent Jon Casey guarding the net, who was above 70% in save % in GDL5. I envision a very efficient, mistake-free type of team and you can bank on seeing this group go deep into the playoffs this year.

Skool: +1500—I’m expecting a big year out of Skool in GDL6. He just missed the playoffs with Hartford in GENS, and has certainly shown the ability to get everything out of mediocre players. Despite this team lacking the star names, this offense will be a very balanced one with Eklund, Davydov, and Recchi. They have a go to guy in Recchi and a solid setup guy who can check very well in Eklund. Usually Hextall performs far better than the 60 plus rating awarded to him. I also like the fact that this team has a deep bench, something most coaches don’t have much interest in developing. Bellows provides the team with some solid shot power and can serve as a backup to Davydov, while Glen Anderson, who is a very agile yet underrated player, can do the same for Eklund or Recchi. The biggest key for Skool is to get off to a fast start to avoid a tendency to hover around the .500 mark.

Edited by flasox24
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This is very well done, and i applaud your efforts.

However I'm not going to let you get away with that harsh review.

(i assume your participating in this league?) Bring your A game when you play me!

also id like to bet 1$ on myself B)

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Great post


Shaftman: +16,000--- ... But talk about going to a war without a gun. Well Canada never gets involved with anything on a world stage anyway ...

WWI - 67,000 killed and 173,000 wounded

WWII - 1.1 million served. more than 45,000 killed, 54,000 wounded

Korean War - 26,791 served, 516 dead, 1,042 wounded

Gulf War I - 4,500 served

Afghanistan War (current) - 2,830 served, 106 died (so far)


If you scale by population, these numbers are similar to the US (and actually 5x higher by population in WWI)

Of course you're joking, but still.

Edited by smozoma
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Lines are out fellas, some impressive rosters I must say, let the games begin!

Freydey: +1400—

. I expect a nice playoff run here this time around from Mr. 2ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2.

hehe i like that name..good post

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MattHurray: +2000[/b]—What jumps out at me is a high IQ team not blessed with terrific athleticism. The obvious unresolvable issues are poor checking and average speed. Despite this, the offense should be fine with Lemieux directing the attack. Lemieux is arguably the best passer in the game as he is particularly skilled at getting his wing players high percentage shots. Sure Lemieux lacks breakaway speed, but he has terrific AI and helps spread the floor to perfection. Carson and Tikkanen are proven scorers as well and should see some inflated stats because of Lemieux’s presence. Tikkanen and Coffey both provide the team with some much needed speed, but both have very unpredictable shot accuracy. Goalkeeping will be an issue with Puppa guarding the net. The lack of checking on this team will mean a high ‘shots on goal against’ number, which could be a worrisome thing if a guy named Darren Puppa is your goalkeeper.

I did a little research for you:

last year - shots on goal per game: 9.82

Yea they are a little pudgy and unathletic, but my team with their high IQ, will outscore all other teams on standardized tests like the SATs. I heard we were implementing that this year instead of 5 minute overtimes?

B) nice job on the writeups flasox, very good read

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Register that, i call a playoff participation for me

Flamingpavelbure:+4000---It’s clear FPB didn’t bring his A game on draft day—there were some questionable decisions made with his front line in this draft. Gagner and Semak are gonna drown in this ultra competitive league. Gilmour is a tremendous team player and a bone-crushing checker, but he certainly needs help and cannot do it alone. Gilmour thrives off of role players who can chip in when the going gets tough. I do like the defense in Duchesne and Stevens, not for their checking skills, but the fact that they do provide the offense with a bit of a security blanket. I think Cheveldae will be heavily tested as he will likely see a high number of incoming shots, but Gilmour will do his best with his ridiculous checking by limiting SOG for the other team. This coach certainly has the talent to be successful someday, just not with this roster. Maybe next year.

Hmmm Semak doesnt play, Kovyy does

Edited by The Russian Rocket
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Kgman: +800—the best playoff performer ever, the question is, how interested will he be in the regular season? And why get rid of Gartner to obtain the guy with the most inaccurate shot in nhl94, Modano? Not sure what’s up his sleeve this year, but a disappointing finish against Ice in the playoffs last season might have rekindled that championship fever. Not good news for the rest of the league.

Kgman + 800 are you insane i would put 100 dollars in a nanosec. funny Ice and Swos have been rated higher than but in preseason testing Kgman has destroyed both losin a combined 2 games out of 14. A little disapointed with my write up (kg bias!) but other than that you have my vote for best write up of the year quite the journalistic feat. I would hope you have more of these up your sleeve along with specific awards named after coaches. IE AJ Richard trophy for most goals in reg season. OR KG Hart trophy for best playoff performer which could go to finalist as well if they had tougher raod to finals and weaker team! .....GO JETS GO!!

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And why get rid of Gartner to obtain the guy with the most inaccurate shot in nhl94, Modano?

funny Ice and Swos have been rated higher than but in preseason testing Kgman has destroyed both losin a combined 2 games out of 14.

Because you wanted a skilled lefty over the righty Gartner you numbskull.

And funny how you crushed me 3 in a row, then got crushed urself like 7-3. Suddenly dinner called and you had to leave B) Figured you out buddy.

Damn it's good to have you back dude.

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Kgman: +800—the best playoff performer ever, the question is, how interested will he be in the regular season? And why get rid of Gartner to obtain the guy with the most inaccurate shot in nhl94, Modano? Not sure what’s up his sleeve this year, but a disappointing finish against Ice in the playoffs last season might have rekindled that championship fever. Not good news for the rest of the league.

Kgman + 800 are you insane i would put 100 dollars in a nanosec. funny Ice and Swos have been rated higher than but in preseason testing Kgman has destroyed both losin a combined 2 games out of 14. A little disapointed with my write up (kg bias!) but other than that you have my vote for best write up of the year quite the journalistic feat. I would hope you have more of these up your sleeve along with specific awards named after coaches. IE AJ Richard trophy for most goals in reg season. OR KG Hart trophy for best playoff performer which could go to finalist as well if they had tougher raod to finals and weaker team! .....GO JETS GO!!

nice to be a champ but its too bad your not part of the community!

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Lines are out fellas, some impressive rosters I must say, let the games begin!

Vegas Future Odds to win GDL 6 title(based on coach’s perceived strength and quality of current roster)


Snoboarder: +900—Coming off a record breaking regular season in GDL 5, snoboarder returns to lead a team filled with question marks. Let’s start with Fleury. Fleury reminds me of a 5 tool player in baseball. He’s skilled in so many areas and is a fantastic player you certainly can’t go wrong with---but my biggest knock on him is his average stick handling—can you trust this player driving through a crowded lane down by a goal late in the third? The supporting cast is athletic yet suspect-- Emerson is what you call a “nice” player who addresses checking and speed needs, but his lack of shot power is a liability. The front line is pretty mediocre in the slap shot department-- defenses can zero in on this and relax on their manual GC a bit realizing most goals now must be hard earned drives to the net. The defense(Manson and Wilson) is solid however and possesses deep firing range with blistering shot power to mask the front line deficiencies. I do see a very fast team overall combined with some high level checking which will provide an exciting style of play for the fans. If the goal is championship or bust, the road is certainly much tougher than last year’s obliteration of the competition. But a talented coach will prevent a drastic dropoff record-wise. Coach motivation a bit of an issue however. Lots of money pouring in with this line.

coach is unmotivated indeed

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Guest Houlanov

Houlanov: +10,000---Possesses arguably the best roster on paper in GDL 6, but that doesn’t always translate into success. This roster with Mogilny, Muller, and Neely has the potential to be an offensive juggernaut. The question is, will this conservative coach preach a run ‘n gun style attack to make this offense click? I’m not so sure, but a feisty competitor will continue to be a pest on the defensive end and surprise some teams during their extended road trips.


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  • 5 months later...

It's hard to put numbers on this thing now with all the new coaches in--I'll leave that up to someone else, but:

With AJ out of the mix, it looks like that once narrow window of opportunity has now widened just enough for some other coaches to make a run at the cup. I have never played Gr81 and jrodimus in tournament play, but history shows they were significant players as well---those players aren't returning either. This is a great opportunity for those talented coaches who have always been denied the most prestigious grand slam to finally cash in.

Freydey seems to have improved his game greatly this past year-- Some gutsy manual goalie techniques and entertaining fast paced play enabled him to take out the Blackhawks in classic A league playoffs--gotta give him props. He has a formidable roster with a gamebreaker in Selanne plus Courtnall, Bourque, and some solid role players. I would keep an eye on him.

Classic league champ FPB got some redemption from his draft day disaster as he switched rosters--and obtained a MUCH deeper unit with some balanced scoring-- I think his chances of making a playoff run are vastly improved.

I think snoboarder's odds should be better now too--the numbers he put up in spring classic lg was 2007 Pats like--simply staggering. Although I am not a huge fan of Fleury and his current GDL roster, Carse coached Boston to a 25-3 record in A league-- I think that's pretty sick. I also think that sebe, habs, and icestorm will continue to be in the mix as they have always been serious contenders--anyone of these guys can win any series on any given day. My money is on swos though--he has proven to be too good with that roster.

Edited by flasox24
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yea ill do it after some preseason, iduno some of these new guys

Jusy ask for exhibs if you see me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vegas Future Odds to win GDL 6 title(based on coach’s perceived strength and quality of current roster)



beavers33: +50,000- hes got the best player in the game JR yes, but first season will likely be a rough one.

monkeyjuice: +6000- hes been around for awhile off an on through a few GDLs, I think the better bet here would be if he can finish an entire season.

Houlanov: +3500---Possesses arguably the best roster on paper in GDL 6, but that doesn’t always translate into success. This roster with Mogilny, Muller, and Neely has the potential to be an offensive juggernaut. The question is, will this conservative coach preach a run ‘n gun style attack to make this offense click? I’m not so sure, but a feisty competitor will continue to be a pest on the defensive end and surprise some teams during their extended road trips. Look for a possible playoff upset if he makes it to the dance.

Kupuck19: +25000 — really needs to work on the defensive side of the game, once he gets that down kupuck will be alot more competitive. But as of now this teams getting rolled over.

Shaftman: +16,000---I am not sure if that draft was supposed to be a joke on his part. With this being said, the coach does have talent to win at some point as evidence shows prior success in the SNES leagues. But talk about going to a war without a gun. Well Canada never gets involved with anything on a world stage anyway. I have high regard for Larmer and Housley but the rest of the roster is just a disaster.

Sebe: +850—I think it’s the year of the legend---phenomenal draft and I get the feel his game has really progressed to the point where we can seriously start talking about a championship. Trading for Klima was a brilliant idea—as Klima has been in multiple finals series--part of the GDL 1 championship team and was runner up in last year’s finals. Looks like this team has a gamebreaker in Klima, a lethal checker in Gretzky, and a highly skilled sharpshooter in Kamensky--- it will be tough to stop this team in a seven game series because of its offensive versatility. Defensively they are quite solid as well, as Russell and Chelios will continue to impress. Sebe finds himself in what might the toughest division in the league, but those grueling regular season games might be a solid tuneup for a run at that coveted trophy.

Icestorm: +700—quite simply one of the best all around nhl94ers in the world, but why this fixation on Courtnall? If this mastermind could have found a way to get Ciccarelli or Gartner instead, who knows how impressive his record could be. He came ever so close to getting Sakic and Leetch in a blockbuster deal-- however trade talks came to a screeching halt as Sakic exercised his no-trade clause. Nonetheless a reasonable division combined with the duo of Robitaille and Courtnall will keep him in serious title contention.

Kgman: +450—the best playoff performer ever, the question is, how interested will he be in the regular season? And why get rid of Gartner to obtain the guy with the most inaccurate shot in nhl94, Modano? Not sure what’s up his sleeve this year, but a disappointing finish against Ice in the playoffs last season might have rekindled that championship fever. Not good news for the rest of the league.

Hokkeefan: +5600—He turned Gilmour into Kovalenko via 856 trades. That won’t get you anywhere in GDL 6. I can’t name the players on Hokkee’s roster because it changes by the hour, I don’t know if he even knows who’s on his roster. He’s likely guaranteed a top 5 pick for next year. Giving up on season 6 could turn out to be a smart strategy for this living legend, especially if the GDL upper brass mandate no trade clauses for his future first round picks.

--his starting goalie is robb stauber, doesnt have too many shooters on the team either. Its a weight hacked team gone terribly wrong and I'd be very surprised if he made the playoffs. Even if he does make 7th or 8th theres no way this team goes very deep.

donnybrook:+6000 - hes got bure, might squeeze in the playoffs but will have a tough time beating the top players in the conference in his first gdl playoffs.

Habs: +650—always a serious contender, but this year even more so with an incredible addition to his roster---the second best player in nhl94, Steve Yzerman. Giving one of the game’s best coaches a top 2 player may seem like the kiss of death, but don’t fault nikpetro on this one, it was a win-win situation for both parties. With this being said, this could be the move that puts Habs over the top. Lots of games to be played however, don’t crown him just yet. The supporting cast(Nieuwendyk and Turgeon) around Yzerman has very good scoring potential with excellent shot power, yet lacks ideal speed and this might be something to keep an eye on. Let’s be honest though, this offense is going to be very very sick. Don’t forget you’re adding a top 8 goalie to the mix as well. An active GM with lots of brilliant trade ideas will keep his team with the pedal to the metal all season long. I expect him to be one of the last guys standing.

Snoboarder: +300—Coming off a record breaking regular season in GDL 5, snoboarder returns to lead a team filled with question marks. Let’s start with Fleury. Fleury reminds me of a 5 tool player in baseball. He’s skilled in so many areas and is a fantastic player you certainly can’t go wrong with---but my biggest knock on him is his average stick handling—can you trust this player driving through a crowded lane down by a goal late in the third? The supporting cast is athletic yet suspect-- Emerson is what you call a “nice” player who addresses checking and speed needs, but his lack of shot power is a liability. The front line is pretty mediocre in the slap shot department-- defenses can zero in on this and relax on their manual GC a bit realizing most goals now must be hard earned drives to the net. The defense(Manson and Wilson) is solid however and possesses deep firing range with blistering shot power to mask the front line deficiencies. I do see a very fast team overall combined with some high level checking which will provide an exciting style of play for the fans. If the goal is championship or bust, the road is certainly much tougher than last year’s obliteration of the competition. But a talented coach will prevent a drastic dropoff record-wise. Coach motivation a bit of an issue however. Lots of money pouring in with this line.

Swos: +350—Ah yes, the Sports Illustrated coverboy---defending champ who quietly put together an impressive draft by keeping the championship nucleus intact. You can’t dream of a better situation if you are Swos, the man is thinking dynasty now. After a scintillating playoff run last season, confidence is no doubt at an all time high and the pressure to win a championship is finally off his back. You guys let the Swosinator get back Ronning? I can’t think of much else to type besides finals tickets. Oh yeah you’re all in for a long year!

Scribe: +3000—This team reminds me of the early 2000s New England Patriots, not a lot of superstars, but just a fundamentally sound team that will keep itself together all year long. I like Reichel in this offense with Lafontaine setting him up for easy looks. This team has an adequate balance of checking, speed, shot power, and defense—all this with no superstar presence or ego guy. I think the X-factor here is the season performance of Terreri. If he can put together some solid performances guarding the net, this team can make a run at a playoff spot. Ultimately however, this team lacks offensive firepower to keep up with the other juggernauts.

JRODIMUS :+1100—Excuse me did I break your concentration? If any other coach had this roster, odds would be +3000 and up, but it seems like AJ welcomes these challenges more than anyone else. In some bad news for the rest of GDL6, it looks like AJ is going to decrease his ‘goals against’ average in half with Sweeney and Fuhr added to his roster. It looks like AJ and Gr81 are going to have the best defenses in the league. But a bright spot for the rest of GDL 6 is the Tampa offense, which I am not a big fan of. Ricci and Granato, while extremely agile, are clearly just average scoring threats. Quite simply, they are going to have to overachieve on the scoring end. But there is no one better in GDL history at manufacturing goals than AJ. Despite the lackluster offense, the coach is the sole reason why the expensive +750 line exists, crushing any hope for the homeless to net a big profit here if this guy wins a title. Looks like the other league participants have shown their smarts by not trading anything to this guy. Jump on this line if you can, I expect this one to shift heavily as the season draws near.

Freydey: +950—After an impressive debut season in GENS A and GDL 5, Freydey leads a talented finesse roster into GDL 6. Selanne, G. Courtnall, and Bourque will be a tough trio to be reckoned with, although the lack of checking could be an issue in the long run. Courtnall might have to take on a larger offensive role than what he is used to in Vancouver, but I expect this coach to adapt to a run n gun style attack that will help spread the floor offensively. Is this team physically tough enough to get it done? I think they’ll find a way--this coach seems to be on top of team management issues and will make adjustments when needed during the course of the season. I expect a nice playoff run here this time around from Mr. 2ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2.

Flamingpavelbure:+1000---It’s clear FPB didn’t bring his A game on draft day—there were some questionable decisions made with his front line in this draft. Gagner and Semak are gonna drown in this ultra competitive league. Gilmour is a tremendous team player and a bone-crushing checker, but he certainly needs help and cannot do it alone. Gilmour thrives off of role players who can chip in when the going gets tough. I do like the defense in Duchesne and Stevens, not for their checking skills, but the fact that they do provide the offense with a bit of a security blanket. I think Cheveldae will be heavily tested as he will likely see a high number of incoming shots, but Gilmour will do his best with his ridiculous checking by limiting SOG for the other team. This coach certainly has the talent to be successful someday, just not with this roster. Maybe next year.

MattHurray: +4000—What jumps out at me is a high IQ team not blessed with terrific athleticism. The obvious unresolvable issues are poor checking and average speed. Despite this, the offense should be fine with Lemieux directing the attack. Lemieux is arguably the best passer in the game as he is particularly skilled at getting his wing players high percentage shots. Sure Lemieux lacks breakaway speed, but he has terrific AI and helps spread the floor to perfection. Carson and Tikkanen are proven scorers as well and should see some inflated stats because of Lemieux’s presence. Tikkanen and Coffey both provide the team with some much needed speed, but both have very unpredictable shot accuracy. Goalkeeping will be an issue with Puppa guarding the net. The lack of checking on this team will mean a high ‘shots on goal against’ number, which could be a worrisome thing if a guy named Darren Puppa is your goalkeeper.

Vocally Caged: +950 ---Roy, Sandstrom, Zalapaski, Ysebaert, Jagr, Olausson? Doesn’t that sound like the recipe for a $500 sushi dish? All joking aside, that sounds like the makeup of a championship team, with the perfect blend of star and role players. Having Roy and adding Sandstrom isn’t really fair to many. Should be very interesting, could possibly see a 2 plus goal difference in “goals for” and “goals against” stats. The main concern I have with this team is the lack of speed, but this could help set up one timers better for Sandstrom, who has proven to be one of the most consistent scorers in GDL history. A seasoned veteran and talented GM, VC will be one of the toughest guys to beat come playoff time.

Xdeathbloodx: +1800--I expect XDBX to be one of the most improved coaches in this league. This is a very impressive roster across the board without glaring weaknesses. This coach is extremely skilled at catching you off guard with the slapshot, and he has one of the best scorers in Ciccarelli. The challenges he faces lies in the rest of his front line, which is serviceable at best with Oates and Zhamnov—these two players underachieve to what their listed ratings show.

Ensuingfracas: +2400--- I like this team because it’s so balanced. Speed(Hogue), checking(Juneau), and shot power(Shanahan) are all addressed at the front line. In addition you’re adding a top 2 goalie to the mix. Belfour and Hogue will keep this team in the playoff picture---expect a lot of close defensive battles. Juneau will continue to silence the critics and prove he has all-star capabilities. I am not a big Shanahan fan, but like I said, he does provide some much needed shot power to stretch the defense. Offense will be a concern at times, but Belfour is the essential ingredient this team needs to keep the games close and in a position to win in the 3rd period.

BoKnowsNHL94: +600--- It’s going to be difficult for Bo to replicate his impressive GDL5 season with the roster he brings with him this time. A couple of nice pieces here with Roberts and Bondra I might add, but I question whether the chemistry will be there. Bondra does give the team a deep threat, but a halfway decent goalie can snag nearly any deke shot he puts up. Roberts will give this team a much needed physical presence when driving through crowded lanes, but he’s not a go to guy by any stretch. There will be significant pressure on Gary Leeman to take on a larger scoring role than he is accustomed to. Unfortunately, I expect Sean Burke to get lit up a lot this year. Lots of question marks with this team--but I expect this experienced coach to eventually figure this jigsaw puzzle out.

Still missing a few coaches and my writeups that I did add are pretty crap and half assed, just updated the odds based on how the coaches have started.

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