JeffBC Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 What a sad day when NHL'95 came out. The NHL'95 graphics for the players were worse. The graphics for the fans in the seats around the rink were worse. The gameplay was too fast. Their legs were too long. The instant replay was way too fast. (What is with the big yellow penalty boxes?) SNES NHLPA'93 had hard slap shots yet EA decided not to have as hard of slapshots for SNES NHL'94. Why? Who's fault is this? EA WAKE UP AND MAKE THE ULTIMATE VERSION!! Only little changes were needed like drop pass, block pass, block shot, fake pass and fake shot. They should have brought back the blood and fighting like Blades of steel or Hit the ice. They should have improved the face-offs with close in action like PS2 NHL HITZ PRO. PS2 NHL HITZ PRO was a great game yet the manual goalie sucked and more deke goals should go in. It looked like NHL HITZ PRO was going to have a future music setting where you could add a few of your favorite tunes to play during play stoppages but MIDWAY SPORTS didn't even come out with another hockey video game. I emailed MIDWAY SPORTS to inquire why they haven't come out with another hockey video game but I didn't get a response. NHL HITZ PRO gameplay;img;0 Thank you Genesis NHLPA'93 Pragrammer: Jim Simmons Genesis NHL'94 Pragrammer: Mark Lesser Genesis NHLPA'93 Design Adapters: Michael Brook, Scott Orr and Richard Hilleman Genesis NHLPA'93 and NHL'94 Producer: Michael Brook Genesis NHLPA'93 Assistant Producer: Steve Matulac Genesis NHL'94 Assistant Producer: Kevin Hogan Genesis NHL'94 Executive Producer: Scott Orr Genesis NHLPA'93 Technical Directors: Scott Cronce and Tom Debry Genesis NHL'94 Technical Directors: Rob Harris and Lon Meinecke Thank You Mark Lesser for your Programming for Genesis NHL'94 because without you the SNES NHL'94 clone would not have been made as great. I understand SNES NHL'94 Frames Per Second was lower than Genesis yet I think SNES NHL'94 gameplay doesn't look like the guy is teleporting from one place to another at all because of the lower Frames Per Second. It looks nice and smooth. The SNES NHL'94 FPS was 20 out of a max. 60. SNES NHL'95 was bumped up to 45 FPS but really do I notice the player and his 45 different postions that makes him move more smoothly no. Mark Lesser I know your more proud of NHL'94 than of NHL'95 and look at this website so post a message or message me 1on1 so you can explain why for the drastic software change. Was it Rob Martyn, Scott Probin or Michael Brook bossing you around wanting these changes? Was it Marketing telling you to change it up? NHL'95 and NHL'96 are similar so why didn't you make NHL'95 similar to NHL'94? I understand it's been 13 years since '94 and you can't go back in time and leave the NHL94 software the way it was but you can bring back this great '94 software and reinventing it. I know Mark Lesser you probably didn't give a rats ass about Super Nintendo NHL'94 but of course make a SNES version because I've played Genesis and I just don't feel it. I think the SNES NHL'94 guys that copied your work and tweaking it did a great job. Thanks SNES NHL94 Producer and Designer Michael Brook, Assistant Producers Scott Probin and Ken Sayler, Executive Producer Scott Orr , Development Producer and Technical Director Rob Harris. Thank You SNES NHL'94 Programmers Amory Wong , Robert White, Rod Reddekopp, Eric Kiss , Bill Fowler and David Galloway. The SNES NHL'94 Graphic look great thanks Athena Baxevanakis, Laura Parr and Mike Smith . Mark Lesser interview SNES NHL'94 and NHL'95 is a clone of Genesis NHL'94 and NHL'95. So the people that worked on the Genesis NHL'95 are to blame because the SNES guys just followed what the Genesis guys did. THE BLAME FOR NHL'95 Genesis NHL'95 Designer: Michael Brook Genesis NHL'95 Producer: Rob Martyn Genesis NHL'95 Associate Producer: Scott Probin Genesis NHL'95 Programmer: Mark Lesser Genesis NHL'95 Executive producer: Scott Orr Genesis NHL'95 Technical Director: Rob Harris Genesis NHL'95 Technical Director: Colin McLaughlin Genesis NHL'95 Art Director: Nancy Waisanen (What is with the big yellow penalty boxes?) Genesis NHL'95 Graphics: Doug Wike, Lori Champney, Cynthia Hamilton, Ian House, Kendra Lammas, Alyson Markell and Terry Falls The Marketing and Production people for NHL95 who wanted change so it didn't look like the same game but really made a bad decision. SNES NHL'95 Art: S.Green, Matthew Crysdale, Doug Wike, Lori Champney, Cynthia Hamilton, Terry Falls, Ian House, Kendra Lammas and Alyson Markel SNES NHL'95 Producer: Kevin Hogan SNES NHL'95 Assistant Producer: Ken Rogers SNES NHL'95 Executive producer: again Scott Orr SNES NHL'95 Supervising Producer: again Rob Martyn SNES NHL'95 Designer: again Kevin Hogan SNES NHL'95 Designer: Michael Brook The SNES NHL'95 Software Engineer that was working from the Programming that Mark Lesser made for NHL'95 died while working on the software for 6 months. SNES NHL'95 Software Engineer: Jason Andersen didn't get any of his worked on software. Jason Andersen: only had 4 months to complete the software work for SNES NHL'95. The software was base on the new software made by Mark Lesser SNES NHL'95 Software Engineer: Jonah Stich came in on the last month and helped get it out the door. SNES NHL'95 Project Coordinator: Kyra Woody SNES NHL'95 Technical Director: Evan Robinson SNES NHL'95 Technical Director: Dave Walker Genesis and SNES NHL'95 Product Manager: Chip Lange SNES NHL'94 Gameplay SNES NHL'93,NHL'94 and NHL'95 Gameplay Genesis NHL'94 Gameplay Genesis NHL'95 Gameplay You would think someone at EA would have changed back the gameplay for SNES NHL'96 but no they still kept the NHL'95 software and ran with it and they came out with the same kind of crappy fast gameplay with bad graphics!! Why didn't they use the '94 software and just change a few little things? It looked like NHL'95 started from scratch and just couldn't get it right. ________________ SNES NHL'95 _______________________________SNES NHL'96______________ Quote
deadmeow Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 We played the game for about 30 seconds and promptly returned it for a refund. Quote
Guest nhl92fan Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 We played the game for about 30 seconds and promptly returned it for a refund. Lucky SOB. I got stuck with mine. Makes a nice door stop, though. *sigh* Imagine the 95 rules with 94 gameplay/graphics. The ultimate game, I tell ya'. but it never was. Thats whats so cool about these updated hacks. Its the NHL 95 that SHOULD have been! LOL Quote
backhandfloater Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 Funny Story I loved NHL 94 SO much and I pre-ordered my 95 directly from an EA rep back when I worked at the computer store. (Babbage's) To my surprise I receivedt the game almost 2 months before it was released to the public! I was stoked. Upon firing it up I was immediately disgusted. Some High School friends of mine caught wind that I had it early and wanted to buy it off me at any cost. I told em it sucked really bad, but they still wanted it. Sold it for $100 bucks to 2 dudes! Poor suckers. At that time it seemed EA was making all the right moves. Know one ever thought they would ruin a great franchise. Definately a sad day when it was released. I asked the guys later on in the week how they liked it. "Sold it for 70 bucks" they said. Quote
mack Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 I have to agree it's not as good as the previous versions but I still like it in it's own right. It's still better than what EA has done on newer consoles. I've really gotten back into 93 and 94 lately. Quote
jeroen Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 I HATE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My greatest moment with NHL 95, was the sound when the cardridge broke against the wall. Quote
clockwise Posted May 11, 2006 Report Posted May 11, 2006 Have to admit i indulged in a little 95 the other day..Just to see if it was a bad as I remember. Quote
HatTrick94 Posted May 11, 2006 Report Posted May 11, 2006 There's no other game like that in the 16-bit series. '95 really sticks out like a sore thumb. To think full season and roster management were implimented in this piece and not a year earlier. Quote
rangerjoe Posted May 11, 2006 Report Posted May 11, 2006 NHL 95 was a completely different game than NHL 91, NHL, NHLPA 93 and NHL 94. From the graphics, to the sounds, to the gameplay, it was completely different. In my opinion, NHL 94 is the greatest game because it combined the NHLPA and the NHL licenses, and one-timers. The only thing it is missing is the fighting and blood. RangerJoe Quote
CaseBC Posted May 16, 2006 Report Posted May 16, 2006 NHL 95 is the worst. What a dissapointment. Just like the Canucks '95 playoffs. Stupid lockout.... I would have to say it is the biggest let down I've ever had in a game, including when Mario Bros. turned to a 3D style of play. Why do they put graphics ahead of play control these days? Keep it simple. I'll never forget the day Jeff first rented 95, didn't tell me till way later in the day and simply shook his head, its no 94. Damn you EA Sports for destroying what could have been an even better game. But alas, '94 just has that ring to it. 94! Quote
i'm.ron.hextall Posted May 17, 2006 Report Posted May 17, 2006 94 was the only one i played until nhl 98 came out, Quote
Bo Knows NHL94 Posted May 18, 2006 Report Posted May 18, 2006 95! the wrap around move was totally unstopable to the point of not even being funny. i remember games being over 20-20 when me and my brother would play.. Quote
CaseBC Posted June 3, 2006 Report Posted June 3, 2006 Why with all the busy changes? Like the menu screen. While all these changes were being made all they needed to do was drop pass, block pass, fake shot and such like Jeff says. The player portraits could look better but so many unneeded changes!! Quote
Roenick Fan Posted June 4, 2006 Report Posted June 4, 2006 Yeah I have all NHL series and I say NHL 95 is the worse, what a let down Quote
Samhain Posted July 5, 2006 Report Posted July 5, 2006 What a sad day when NHL95 came out.Why did they mess with a good thing? EA made the NHL95 graphics worse and the players and instant replay to fast. They should have just added harder slap shots like NHL93PA and added drop passes, block passes, block shots and fake passes and fake shots. EA wake up and make the ultimate version!!!! 95 sucks. Quote
JeffBC Posted June 20, 2007 Author Report Posted June 20, 2007 SNES NHL94 _______________________________________________ SNES NHL95 Producer: Michael Brook ___________________________________________Producer: Kevin Hogan Design by Michael Brook ___________________________________________Design by Michael Brook Design by Kevin Hogan Executive Producer: Scott Orr ________________________________________Executive Producer: Scott Orr Development: Hanno Lemke ________________________________________ Technical Director: Rob Harris _______________________________________Technical Director: Evan Robinson _______________________________________________________________Technical Director: Dave Walker Assistant Producer: Scott Probin______________________________________Assistant Producer: Ken Rogers Assistant Producer: Ken Sayler_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________Supervising Producer: Rob Martyn _______________________________________________________________Software Engineers: Jason Andersen _______________________________________________________________Software Engineers: Jonah Stich Programming: Amory Wong ________________________________________ Programming: Robert White ________________________________________ Programming: Rod Reddekopp______________________________________ Additional Programming: Erik Kiss ___________________________________ Additional Programming: Bill Fowler __________________________________ Additional Programming: David Galloway ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________Art by S.Green _______________________________________________________________Art by Matthew Crysdale _______________________________________________________________Art by Doug Wike _______________________________________________________________Art by Lori Champney _______________________________________________________________Art by Cynthia Hamilton _______________________________________________________________Art by Terry Falls _______________________________________________________________Art by Ian House _______________________________________________________________Art by Kendra Lammas _______________________________________________________________Art by Alyson Markel Graphics: Athena Baxevanakis _______________________________________ Graphics: Laura Parr_______________________________________________ Graphics:Mike Smith_______________________________________________ Music: Michael J. Sokyrka ___________________________________________Music and Sound by Russell Lieblich _______________________________________________________________Music and Sound by Rob Hubbard Sound FX: Jeff Dyck _______________________________________________ Organ Music: Dieter Ruehle _________________________________________Organ music by Dieter Ruehle Organ Music: Michael J. Sokyrka _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________Product Manager: Chip Lange _______________________________________________________________Project Coordinator: Kyra Woody Music Composition: Michael J.Sokyrka_________________________________ Testing by David Hards ____________________________________________Testing by Mike Graben Testing by Dave Costa_____________________________________________Testing by Matt Eastling Additional Testing: Jeff Hasson_______________________________________Testing by Mike Kaizuka Additional Testing: John Santamaria___________________________________Testing by Mike Hensley Additional Testing: James Fairweather_________________________________ Additional Testing: Joe Henry________________________________________ Additional Testing: Paul Smith _______________________________________ Additional Testing: Henry Song_______________________________________ Additional Testing: Minh Tang________________________________________ Players Ratings by Igor Kuperman____________________________________ Player Ratings by John Rosasco of the New York Rangers. _______________________________________________________________Player Ratings by Neil Smith of the New York Rangers. Player Card photos by Steve Babineau _________________________________Player Portraits by Steve Babineau Special Thanks to Dan Brook ________________________________________Special Thanks to Scott Probin Special Thanks to Randy Delucchi ____________________________________Special Thanks to Greg Thomas Special Thanks to Barry Melrose______________________________________Special Thanks to Keith Francart Special Thanks to Jeff Parr ___________________________________________ Special Thanks to Ian Pulver __________________________________________ Special Thanks to Mike Rubinelli _______________________________________ Special Thanks to Dave Warfield _______________________________________ Special Thanks to Kyra Woody_________________________________________ Project Manager: Chip Lange __________________________________________ Art Director: Nancy Waisanen__________________________________________ Package Design: Singee _____________________________________________ Package Photos: Steve Babineau_______________________________________ Quality Assurance: Jonathan Skolnick ___________________________________ Quality Assurance: Paul Armatta _______________________________________ Quality Assurance: Terrence Chin ______________________________________ Documentation: T. S. Flanagan_________________________________________ Documentation: A.C. Smith____________________________________________ Documentation Layout: Laurie Lau ______________________________________ SNES NHL94 JAPANESE LOCALIZATION Department Producer: Ivan Allan _______________________________________ Programming: Rod Reddekopp ________________________________________ Programming: Hiroshi Ueda___________________________________________ Graphic: Norie Miura_________________________________________________ Assistant Producer: Masahiko Yoshizawa_________________________________ Lead Tester: Noriaki Ogata____________________________________________ Testing by: Takashi Iwama____________________________________________ Testing by: Yoshihiro Kawasaki ________________________________________ Testing by: Hiroyuki Kinjyo____________________________________________ Testing by: Chiyonobu Satoshi_________________________________________ Producer: Masato Mizushima __________________________________________ Genesis NHL94 ______________________________________________Genesis NHL95 Producer: Michael Brook____________________________________________Producer: Rob Martyn _______________________________________________________________Design by Michael Brook _______________________________________________________________Design by Scott Probin Programmer: Mark Lesser___________________________________________Programmer: Mark Lesser Executive Producer: Scott Orr_________________________________________Executive Producer: Scott Orr Assistant Producer: Kevin Hogan______________________________________Associate Producer: Scott Probin Technical Director: Rob Harris________________________________________Technical Director: Rob Harris Technical Director: Lon Meinecke______________________________________Technical Director: Colin McLaughlin ________________________________________________________________Product Manager: Chip Lange Art Director: Nancy Waisanen_________________________________________Art Director: Nancy Waisanen Graphics: Doug Wike_______________________________________________Graphics: Doug Wike ________________________________________________________________Graphics: Lori Champney ________________________________________________________________Graphics: Cynthia Hamilton ________________________________________________________________Graphics: Ian House ________________________________________________________________Graphics: Kendra Lammas ________________________________________________________________Graphics: Alyson Markell ________________________________________________________________Graphics: Terry Falls Music and Sound: Rob Hubbard_______________________________________Music: Russell Lieblich ________________________________________________________________Sound Design: Rob Hubbard Organ Music: Dieter Ruehle__________________________________________Organ Music: Dieter Ruehle Player Ratings by Igor Kuperman ______________________________________Player Ratings: John Rosasko Player Card Photos by Steve Babineau__________________________________Player Ratings: Neil Smith Testing: by Yun Shin________________________________________________Lead Tester: Ted Fitzgerald Testing: Kenneth Rogers____________________________________________Testing: Michael Streim Testing: Craig Wike ________________________________________________Testing: Craig Wike Testing: John D. Boerio _____________________________________________Testing: Mike Graben Testing: Jed Garvey ________________________________________________Testing: Dave Newhouse Testing: Gabe Boys ________________________________________________Testing: Chip Lange ________________________________________________________________Testing: Kenneth Rogers Special Thanks to Bob Borgen ________________________________________Special Thanks to John Williams Special Thanks to Dan Brook _________________________________________Special Thanks to Jeff Buttell Special Thanks to Julie Cressa ________________________________________ Special Thanks to Randy Delucchi______________________________________ Special Thanks to Jeff Fennel__________________________________________ Special Thanks to Chip Lange _________________________________________ Special Thanks to Barry Melrose _______________________________________ Special Thanks to Scott Probin_________________________________________ Special Thanks to Ian Pulver___________________________________________ Special Thanks to Michael Rubinelli _____________________________________ Special Thanks to Kyra Woody _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________Package Design: E.J. Saraille Design Group __________________________________________________________________Package Photos: Cowley Sports Illustrated __________________________________________________________________Quality Assurance: Randy Eckhardt __________________________________________________________________Quality Assurance: David Schenone __________________________________________________________________Quality Assurance: Ashley Richardson __________________________________________________________________Quality Assurance: Keith Bradley __________________________________________________________________ Documentation: T.S. Flanagan __________________________________________________________________ Documentation: A.C. Smith ('95 adapation) __________________________________________________________________ Euro Documentation: Neil Cook __________________________________________________________________ Documentation Layout: Alpha CRC Ltd. Quote
JeffBC Posted June 20, 2007 Author Report Posted June 20, 2007 has some good information but it's information does have holes and sometime wrong so this is just for information reference. Just punch in the guys name in search. SNES NHL94 BIOGRAPHIES SNES NHL94 Producer and Designer: Michael Brook SNES NHL94 Executive Producer: Scott Orr SNES NHL94 Development: Hanno Lemke SNES NHL94 Technical Director: Rob Harris SNES NHL94 Assistant Producer: Scott Probin SNES NHL94 Assistant Producer: Ken Sayler SNES NHL94 Programming: Amory Wong SNES NHL94 Programming: Robert White SNES NHL94 Programming: Rod Reddekopp SNES NHL94 Additional Programming: Erik Kiss SNES NHL94 Additional Programming: Bill Fowler SNES NHL94 Additional Programming: David Galloway SNES NHL94 Graphics: Athena Baxevanakis SNES NHL94 Graphics: Laura Parr SNES NHL94 Graphics: Mike Smith SNES NHL94 Music: Michael J. Sokyrka SNES NHL94 Sound FX: Jeff Dyck SNES NHL94 Organ Music: Dieter Ruehle SNES NHL94 Players Ratings by Igor Kuperman SNES NHL94 Player Card photos by Steve Babineau SNES NHL94 Testing by David Hards SNES NHL94 Testing by Dave Costa SNES NHL94 Additional Testing: Jeff Hasson SNES NHL94 Additional Testing: John Santamaria SNES NHL94 Additional Testing: James Fairweather SNES NHL94 Additional Testing: Joe Henry SNES NHL94 Additional Testing: Paul Smith SNES NHL94 Additional Testing: Henry Song SNES NHL94 Additional Testing: Minh Tang SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Dan Brook SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Randy Delucchi SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Barry Melrose SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Jeff Parr SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Ian Pulver SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Mike Rubinelli SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Dave Warfield SNES NHL94 Special Thanks to Kyra Woody SNES NHL94 Project Manager: Chip Lange SNES NHL94 Art Director: Nancy Waisanen SNES NHL94 Package Photos: Steve Babineau SNES NHL94 Quality Assurance: Jonathan Skolnick SNES NHL94 Quality Assurance: Paul Armatta SNES NHL94 Quality Assurance: Terrence Chin SNES NHL94 Documentation: T. S. Flanagan SNES NHL94 Documentation: A.C. Smith SNES NHL94 Documentation Layout: Laurie Lau SNES NHL94 JAPANESE LOCALIZATION SNES NHL94 JL Department Producer: Ivan Allan SNES NHL94 JL Programming: Rod Reddekopp SNES NHL94 JL Programming: Hiroshi Ueda SNES NHL94 JL Producer: Masato Mizushima SNES NHL94 JL Assistant Producer: Masahiko Yoshizawa SNES NHL94 JL Graphic: Norie Miura SNES NHL94 JL Lead Tester: Noriaki Ogata SNES NHL94 JL Testing by Takashi Iwama SNES NHL94 JL Testing by Yoshihiro Kawasaki SNES NHL94 JL Testing by Hiroyuki Kinjyo SNES NHL94 JL Testing by Chiyonobu Satoshi _______________________________________________________________________ SNES NHL95 BIOGRAPHIES SNES NHL95 Developers: Visual Concepts SNES NHL95 Producer and Disigner: Kevin Hogan SNES NHL95 Software Engineer: Jason Andersen SNES NHL95 Software Engineer: Jonah Stich SNES NHL95 Designer: Michael Brook SNES NHL95 Executive Producer: Scott Orr SNES NHL95 Technical Director: Evan Robinson SNES NHL95 Technical Director: Dave Walker SNES NHL95 Assistant Producer: Ken Rogers SNES NHL95 Supervising Producer: Rob Martyn SNES NHL95 Product Manager: Chip Lange SNES NHL95 Project Coordinator: Kyra Woody SNES NHL95 Art Worker: S.Green SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Matthew Crysdale SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Doug Wike SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Lori Champney SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Cynthia Hamilton SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Terry Falls SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Ian House SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Kendra Lammas SNES NHL95 Art Worker: Alyson Markel SNES NHL95 Music and Sound by Russell Lieblich SNES NHL95 Music and Sound by Rob Hubbard SNES NHL95 Organ music by Dieter Ruehle SNES NHL95 Player Ratings by John Rosasco of the NY Rangers SNES NHL95 Player Ratings by Neil Smith of the NY Rangers SNES NHL95 Player Portraits by Steve Babineau SNES NHL95 Testing by Mike Graben SNES NHL95 Testing by Matt Eastling SNES NHL95 Testing by Mike Kaizuka SNES NHL95 Testing by Mike Hensley SNES NHL95 Special Thanks to Scott Probin SNES NHL95 Special Thanks to Greg Thomas SNES NHL95 Special Thanks to Keith Francart _______________________________________________________________________ SNES NHL96 CREDITS SNES NHL96 Developer: Tiburon Entertainment ________________________________________________________________________ GENESIS NHL94 BIOGRAPHIES GENESIS NHL94 Producer: Michael Brook GENESIS NHL94 Programmer: Mark Lesser GENESIS NHL94 Executive Producer: Scott Orr GENESIS NHL94 Assistant Producer: Kevin Hogan GENESIS NHL94 Technical Director: Rob Harris GENESIS NHL94 Technical Director: Lon Meinecke GENESIS NHL94 Art Director: Nancy Waisanen GENESIS NHL94 Graphics: Doug Wike GENESIS NHL94 Music and Sound: Rob Hubbard GENESIS NHL94 Organ Music: Dieter Ruehle GENESIS NHL94 Player Ratings by Igor Kuperman GENESIS NHL94 Player Card Photos by Steve Babineau GENESIS NHL94 Testing: Yun Shin GENESIS NHL94 Testing: Kenneth Rogers GENESIS NHL94 Testing: Craig Wike GENESIS NHL94 Testing: John D. Boerio GENESIS NHL94 Testing: Jed Garvey GENESIS NHL94 Testing: Gabe Boys GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Bob Borgen GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Dan Brook GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Julie Cressa GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Randy Delucchi GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Jeff Fennel GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Chip Lange GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Barry Melrose GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Scott Probin GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Ian Pulver GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Michael Rubinelli GENESIS NHL94 Special Thanks to Kyra Woody _______________________________________________ GENESIS NHL95 BIOGRAPHIES GENESIS NHL95 Producer: Rob Martyn GENESIS NHL95 Design by Michael Brook GENESIS NHL95 Design by Scott Probin GENESIS NHL95 Programmer: Mark Lesser GENESIS NHL95 Executive Producer: Scott Orr GENESIS NHL95 Associate Producer: Scott Probin GENESIS NHL95 Technical Director: Rob Harris GENESIS NHL95 Technical Director: Colin McLaughlin GENESIS NHL95 Product Manager: Chip Lange GENESIS NHL95 Art Director: Nancy Waisanen GENESIS NHL95 Graphics: Doug Wike GENESIS NHL95 Graphics: Lori Champney GENESIS NHL95 Graphics: Cynthia Hamilton GENESIS NHL95 Graphics: Ian House GENESIS NHL95 Graphics: Kendra Lammas GENESIS NHL95 Graphics: Alyson Markell GENESIS NHL95 Graphics: Terrence C. Falls GENESIS NHL95 Music: Russell Lieblich GENESIS NHL95 Sound Design: Rob Hubbard GENESIS NHL95 Organ Music: Dieter Ruehle GENESIS NHL95 Player Ratings: John Rosasko GENESIS NHL95 Player Ratings: Neil Smith GENESIS NHL95 Lead Tester: Ted Fitzgerald GENESIS NHL95 Testing: Michael Streim GENESIS NHL95 Testing: Craig Wike GENESIS NHL95 Testing: Mike Graben GENESIS NHL95 Testing: Dave Newhouse GENESIS NHL95 Testing: Chip Lange GENESIS NHL95 Testing: Kenneth Rogers GENESIS NHL95 Special Thanks to John Williams GENESIS NHL95 Special Thanks to Jeff Buttell GENESIS NHL95 Package Design: E.J. Saraille Design Group GENESIS NHL95 Quality Assurance: Randy Eckhardt GENESIS NHL95 Quality Assurance: David Schenone GENESIS NHL95 Quality Assurance: Ashley Richardson GENESIS NHL95 Quality Assurance: Keith Bradley GENESIS NHL95 Documentation: T.S. Flanagan GENESIS NHL95 Documentation: A.C. Smith ('95 adapation) GENESIS NHL95 Euro Documentation: Neil Cook __________________________________________________________________ GENESIS NHL96 CREDITS __________________________________________________________________ SEGA CD NHL94 CREDITS Sega CD NHL94 Design adapted by Michael Brook Sega CD NHL94 Original Programming Mark Lesser Sega CD NHL94 Programming Paul Halmshaw, Peter Veys, Jim Sproul Sega CD NHL94 Graphics Douglas Wike, Mike Swanson Sega CD NHL94 Sound Effects Rob Hubbard Sega CD NHL94 Original Music Composition and Performance Michael J. Sokyrka Sega CD NHL94 Organ Music Dieter Ruehle Sega CD NHL94 Announcer Ron Barr Sega CD NHL94 Executive Producer Scott Orr Sega CD NHL94 Producer Michael Brook Sega CD NHL94 Assistant Producer Scott Probin Sega CD NHL94 Technical Directors Scott Cronce, Rob Harris Sega CD NHL94 Development Manager Nana Wallace Sega CD NHL94 Testing Kenneth Rogers, Jeff Hasson, Harvey Bush Sega CD NHL94 Video Post Production Mike Swanson Sega CD NHL94 NHL database transcription Liz Breiz, Jane Balenbin, Nina Breiz Sega CD NHL94 Player ratings Igor Kuperman Sega CD NHL94 Player card photos Steve Babineau Sega CD NHL94 Product management Chip Lange, Neil Thewarapperuma Sega CD NHL94 Art Director Nancy Waisanen Sega CD NHL94 Package Design EAUK Marketing Services Sega CD NHL94 Package Photos Steve Babineau Sega CD NHL94 Documentation A.C. Smith Sega CD NHL94 U.K. Documentation Neil Cook Sega CD NHL94 Documentation Layout Peter Larsen Sega CD NHL94 Quality Assurance Bill Scheppler, Peter Murphy Sega CD NHL94 Special Thanks to Gary Roberts, Walter Stein, EA Media Lab Sega CD NHL94 Cynthia Hamilton, Bob Borgen, Bill Lee, Richard Hilleman, Yun Shin ______________________________________________________________________ NHL95 DOS CREDITS NHL95 DOS Original Game Concept: Jim Simmons NHL95 DOS Original Game Concept: Scott Orr NHL95 DOS Original Game Concept: Richard Hilleman NHL95 DOS Original PC Version Game Design: Dave Warfield NHL95 DOS Original PC Version Game Design: Richard Hilleman NHL95 DOS Lead Programmer: Lance Wall NHL95 DOS Programmer: Victoria Wong NHL95 DOS Programmer: Robert Penner NHL95 DOS Programmer: Kurt Kennett NHL95 DOS Artists: Gerard DeSouza NHL95 DOS Artists: Phillip Chow NHL95 DOS Artist/3D Animator: Kent Maclagan NHL95 DOS Composer: Michael J. Sokyrka NHL95 DOS Audio Programmers: Alan Stewart NHL95 DOS Audio Programmers: Iain Macanulty NHL95 DOS Audio Programmers: Paul Chernikhowsky NHL95 DOS Audio Programmers: Jayeson Lee-Steere NHL95 DOS Administrative Assistant: Serena McCabe NHL95 DOS Assistant Producer: Richard Mul NHL95 DOS Director of Development: Foster Hall NHL95 DOS Producer & Design: Ken Sayler NHL95 DOS Producer: Hanno Lemke NHL95 DOS Lead Tester: Rod Higo NHL95 DOS Testers: Tony Lam NHL95 DOS Testers: David L. Lee NHL95 DOS Testers: Paul Smith NHL95 DOS Testers: John Brydon NHL95 DOS QA Support: Jon Bruce NHL95 DOS QA Support: John Santamaria NHL95 DOS QA Support: Stewart Putney NHL95 DOS QA Support: Terrence Chin NHL95 DOS Roster Verification: Dave Warfield NHL95 DOS Roster Verification: John Brydon NHL95 DOS Product Manager: Chip Lange NHL95 DOS Package Design: E. J. Saraille NHL95 DOS Documentation: T. S. Flanagan NHL95 DOS Documentation: Layout Michael Lippert (as Michael Lippert) NHL95 DOS Ratings by John Rosasco (New York Rangers) NHL95 DOS Ratings by Neil Smith (New York Rangers) NHL95 DOS Audio Technician: Steve Royea NHL95 DOS Sportsdesk Announcer: Michael Donovan NHL95 DOS Rink Announcer: Bruce Jamieson NHL95 DOS Player Profile Photographs: Steve Babineau NHL95 DOS Video Provided by NHL Productions NHL95 DOS Special: Thanks Scott Jackson NHL95 DOS Special: Catherine Mary O'Brien (as Catherine O'Brien) NHL95 DOS Special: Doug Reid NHL95 DOS Special: Mott Linn Quote
JeffBC Posted June 20, 2007 Author Report Posted June 20, 2007 SNES NHL95 CREDITS To the music, sound, organ, player portraits and player rating guys I know it probably wasn't your fault for this NHL95 abortion of a game. Quote
Sabre Dance Posted June 20, 2007 Report Posted June 20, 2007 The one thing that I really loved about 95 was the season mode. Quote
IAmFleury'sHipCheck Posted June 20, 2007 Report Posted June 20, 2007 The one thing that I really loved about 95 was the season mode. Yeah, well lets put it this way... it's like adding a whip cream topping to a pile of steaming sh*t. Doesn't matter how you try to dress it up, it's still sh*t. Quote
FlyersHockey1967 Posted June 22, 2007 Report Posted June 22, 2007 Wait, didn't High Score Productions do NHL 94 as well? Anyways, here's my theory: Anyone remember the Sports Illustrated cover saying why the NHL's hot and the NBA's not? Those were the good old times, right? And NHL 94 ruled, right? Well, remember what else happened? Gary Bettman became commissioner. Then it all went downhill for the league. He changed the names of the conferences and the divisions and expanded the league, eventually turning the NHL into the joke it is today. I think that once Buttman took over, the quality of the NHL went downhill. Guess what else did? That's right, the games. From then on (NHL 95 and beyond), the quality of the NHL games went downhill with the sport. Let the conspiracies commence! Quote
CaseBC Posted June 22, 2007 Report Posted June 22, 2007 Good call on Bettman, and we all know what persuasion he is right? What the hell is that rat faced f*** doing in this league anyway? Further signs of the apocalypse... Anyway, Jeff well done. We should hunt these culprits down and feed them to Bettman. Quote
thegr8199 Posted June 23, 2007 Report Posted June 23, 2007 The reason why the NHL went downhill in the States after 94 Quote
dmac Posted June 23, 2007 Report Posted June 23, 2007 The reason why the NHL went downhill in the States after 94 hilarious and true Quote
clockwise Posted June 24, 2007 Report Posted June 24, 2007 The reason why the NHL went downhill in the States after 94 lol I forgot about the glow puck. btw: One of the major developers who worked on '94 and '95 actually prefers '95 as it's "easier to score for him." He also happens to be a member of the forum. Quote
HockeyGirl87 Posted June 24, 2007 Report Posted June 24, 2007 The reason why the NHL went downhill in the States after 94 lol! That's so true! XD By the way, I've tried to be open-minded about NHL 95, but truely, I never really liked it when compared to NHLPA 93 or NHL 94. Well, I really don't really have a problem playing it, I mean, it's not like a form of torture to me, but if I could choose between playing NHL 95 one hundred times, or playing NHLPA 93 or NHL 94 just once, I would choose to play 93 or 94, because one game of either of those is more fun than one hundred games of 95 combined. Well, at least that's how it is to me. Basicly what I'm saying is, I don't hate NHL 95, but I don't love it either. Quote
CaseBC Posted June 25, 2007 Report Posted June 25, 2007 btw: One of the major developers who worked on '94 and '95 actually prefers '95 as it's "easier to score for him." He also happens to be a member of the forum. Really? Who? Can you tell us what happend over at EA? Quote
CaseBC Posted June 27, 2007 Report Posted June 27, 2007 Evan - Can you tell us who this person is? Why is it such a secret? Quote
IAmFleury'sHipCheck Posted June 27, 2007 Report Posted June 27, 2007 Evan - Can you tell us who this person is? Why is it such a secret? Hey Case, I'm all for team loyalty and everything but would you mind sizing that down that signature pic? Quote
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