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King of 94 Tournament - Feedback / Improvements


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22 minutes ago, CoachMac said:

AND, gaming in a Hotel Room all day Friday, and a NHL game Thursday Night.

The event was great AND I had a ton of fun before and after.

That's true, but both of those events (Vegas Knights game and Exis) were organized among ourselves, and not as part of the larger KO94 event. 

Having said that, in hindsight it would have been cool to add the Thursday Knights game as an "optional" group event that people could purchase, and if it wasn't too expensive to open the room for official pregames the night before.  Things to to think about for KO94-3

(please let there be a KO94-3!)

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37 minutes ago, kingraph said:

There actually WAS a Friday night registration, explanation of rules and screening of Pixelated Heroes for all tourney guests.  :)

Ok, I missed it. And even though I am a forum member, I didn't have a working cell phone, or know anyone's #, so my experience was probably like many people.  We had no idea.

The KingOf94.com website simply said: 


Which is what I (and I am sure many if not most) went on.  Had the site said

Fri: Pre-register blah,blah, blah

That would have helped a lot!  :)
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6 minutes ago, aqualizard said:

Ok, I missed it. And even though I am a forum member, I didn't have a working cell phone, or know anyone's #, so my experience was probably like many people.  We had no idea.

The KingOf94.com website simply said: 


Which is what I (and I am sure many if not most) went on.  Had the site said

Fri: Pre-register blah,blah, blah

That would have helped a lot!  :)

There was an email sent out to all who registered a few days before announcing the schedule and that Friday would be screening of the movie. Though it could have helped to be on the site as well. 

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6 hours ago, chaos said:

What benefit would we get from this? Can you explain? It's hard enough to get someone there for 1 day, let alone multiple days. Remember anywhere we host a tournament, there will be people traveling to it. But we are open to suggestions.

I agree, there should have been trophies handed out. 

I also like the idea of having a PC set up and a demo on how to set up to play online.

I had talked to a few people about playing online, and it just so happened there are a couple of guys who had found the forum years ago who ended up setting up to play online, but they only play against each other. I talked to them about joining classic, so hopefully we do get a few guys to play.

You guys gotta remember this was Mikey's tournament. Not set up by us (though Hali did most of the work). While we would have loved to do more with promoting the website, I'm not sure if it was the time or place to do it. This tournament was more about promoting his movie. I absolutely agree we could have "advertised" more without shoving it down people's throats though. Some kind of flyer would have been nice. This is a good idea for the Hartford, CT tournament.


Most of the video game tournaments I have seen were 2-3 days. I guess that's to give enough time to avoid burnout, rest, play enough games, etc. I remember Seth wished he could have had more opportunity to play at the first KO94.

3 hours ago, CoachMac said:

Many of us played all day Friday and well into Sunday morning.:big_smile:

AngryJay, EA, Raph, Tex, and Smoz (The majority of the Bets Gens players) played all day in our Hotel Room Friday.

BUT, as Chaos stated the actual tourney would be tough to extend as it is monumental effort to make it one day.

I am glad to see you showing some interest and a positive vibe.

You would be a huge addition to any Live Tourney.

I'm not even sure if I'll play this game ever again. Last time I played against someone was when I won Plablegs back in February.

If I showed up to a live event, it would probably be for a hour or so just to watch.

The game is also better without penalties and with even advantages, but people continue to play an inferior version of the game which isn't appealing to me.

Edited by Premium
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Just now, chaos said:

There was an email sent out to all who registered a few days before announcing the schedule and that Friday would be screening of the movie. Though it could have helped to be on the site as well. 

Hmm... Never received this email, or maybe it went to my junk mail? 

Either way, any important info should go in an obvious place on the event's main website. 

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1 hour ago, aqualizard said:

Hmm... Never received this email, or maybe it went to my junk mail? 

Either way, any important info should go in an obvious place on the event's main website. 

Yeah, the late changes and unannounced changes compared to the original ads have been a peeve of mine with the big tournaments.

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I just had a daydream about getting enough guys together to rent a suite/box and play NHL94, while being catered to with food and drinks.

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Hi guys. Here it is at long last, the video I promised of the SNES final game and celebration. Congrats again to Jamil and of course to Adam Kudelski for a hard fought game. I'd like to think it was the first round game between Adam and myself that helped boost his confidence and propel him into the finals (he beat ME by 6 or 7 goals, can you believe it???).

Follow the link here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j8py2lk80n8y3e2/AAB7dx0vgluHVy6oDtQcyAOua?dl=0

You can stream it and download it if you like, along with a few pictures. I may add some more stuff later on.

Thanks again to everyone who was there and epecially those that organized the event.  

As for improvements, 2 Vs. 2 player! Halifax, make it happen buddy! (and about the random teams we have to select ;) )



Capture 2.PNG

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to get some brief feedback and pics here.  Overall, great tournament and great time hanging with other NHL94 peeps.

@halifax did an outstanding job organizing this and keeping it moving.  Can't thank you enough for all the hard work bud.

@McMikey gave us a preview of his documentary, which was awesome to see.  Thanks for sharing with the group.

@angryjay93 congrats on an outstanding performance and winning the Gens.  I have yet to win a game against you... EVER.

@Jammer - KO94IIsnes congrats on a super solid performance winning Snes, and also your celebration was also solid.

@CoachMac thanks for bringing that key CRT TV for us to play on throughout the weekend, and also for helping out during the tournament.  Coach is a class act.

These events are all about hanging around great people who share the love of NHL94, from all walks of life.  Most of the feedback already mentioned I agree with so no need to say it again.

For me, this was a little more fun than Toronto because we had the opportunity to play more games in both the tournament and friendly games as well.  Also had more opportunity to chat with guys.

Got to play @halifax finally (1 game on each system), and some 2 on 2 Gens after the tournament as well with @egg@IAmFleury'sHipCheck , @chaos, @kingraph, and @corbettkb

Thanks for all the good times guy!







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On 9/14/2015 at 2:39 PM, TomKabs93 said:

Onto the thing about home advantages. Smoz was telling me yesterday that he's not quite sure what it does, cuz he has some old notes that don't make sense anymore. He's gonna look into it he says, but he thinks that home advantage gives a boost to stickhandling, shot accuracy, and (maybe he says) passing. I forget what he said about road advantage, but yeah. Think about your game with kg where you lost 8-1 in buffalo. Sure you had detroit, but buffalo has strong home advantage.

I always thought that home & away advantages just affected the "flow" of the game? There are times when your guys will mess up passes, be out of position or periods in the game when one team just totally dominates. There are those times where you can just sense a goal coming. Am I wrong on that or is it that those times in games are determined by the factors you're talking about?

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On 10/23/2017 at 10:34 PM, NHL94PC said:

I didn't read anything about Mikey's documentary, that was supposed to have been shown there. Any comments?

or did y'all scribble on some nondisclosure sheets?

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2 hours ago, LA Robbie said:

I always thought that home & away advantages just affected the "flow" of the game? There are times when your guys will mess up passes, be out of position or periods in the game when one team just totally dominates. There are those times where you can just sense a goal coming. Am I wrong on that or is it that those times in games are determined by the factors you're talking about?

I know for sure that the home/away values get read from the ROM and applied to player attributes, slightly changing them. Same for the PP/PK values. 

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that is the only thing they are used for... I don't think I saw them read from the ROM in any other context... but it was a long time ago so I could be wrong.

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