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Blitz Draft Supplemental 7.5 & Round 8


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Supplemental 7.5


7.01 Lupz -- Dominick Hasek

7.02 Skip -- Paul Cavallini
7.03 LABS -- (traded from Hokee) Rick Tocchet
7.04 Houly -- Yuri Khmylev
7.05 donnybrook -- Sergei Nemchinov
7.06 Depch -- Alexander Semak
7.07 Chaos -- Sylvain Cote
7.08 LABS -- Scott Niedermeyer

Here is the link for players:

Edited by Brutus
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Round 8


8.01 hokkee -- (traded from Lupz) Matthew Schneider
8.02 Skip -- Eddie Olczyk
8.03 OB92 -- Jyrki Lumme
8.04 Lupz (traded from Hokkee)-- Doug Wilson
8.05 Houly -- Peter Stastny
8.06 Plabax -- Adam Burt
8.07 IceStorm -- Stephane Fiset
8.08 PRoBob38 -- Craig Janney
8.09 Freydey -- J.J. Daigneault
8.10 kingraph -- John Leclair
8.11 minpind -- Dmitri Kvartalnov
8.12 Fitzo -- Darius Kasparitis
8.13 Robbie -- Garth Butcher
8.14 Sicarius -- Nelson Emerson
8.15 Brutus -- Doug Zmolek
8.16 donnybrook -- Dana Murzyn
8.17 Depch -- Vladimir Konstantov
8.18 Zalex -- Sergei Zubov
8.19 Chaos -- Joe Murphy
8.20 kupuck -- Valeri Zelepukin
8.21 hokkee (traded from Freydey)-- Rob Ramage
8.22 Skeletor -- Steve Konroyd
8.23 Jackandjose -- Roger Johansson
8.24 jer_33 -- Evgeny Davydov

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Pittsburgh is going to change him from assistant coach back to being a beast on the ice.....Rick Tocchet

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i gave you a list of players and i get skip?


(I had a rd 6 list, which I used for those picks. The only name left on that list was leclair but you had all forwards filled bud)


double edit: (and probably got jj daigneault in return :) , as it is Rd 8. Anyhow, your list was from Rd 6 over a day before, and labeled Rd 6. Apologies for not taking LeClair for you if you really had wanted him, but presumed since you didn't include any D, it wasn't expected to be used for Rd 8.)

triple edit: it's ok, if leclair manage to get a gwg in the playoff vs me, il consider this lg rigged.

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joe murphy

jj daigneault

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